Marketing Research W22
Mark 302
The goal of the marketing research is to explore the role of research in marketing decision making, the development of research questions, choosing research designs to obtain the necessary information, and interpretation of research results are discussed. The emphasis is placed on the nature and scope of marketing research methods, the development and assessment of measures, the steps and principles involved in gathering and analyzing data, and interpretation of the research results to help in marketing decisions. The students are expected to conduct and evaluate different stages of a marketing research project. My objective with this project is to give each student “hands-on experience” working on a marketing research problem from your company. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. The students will be learning how to managing the Research Process starting with a response to Request for Proposal (RFP) from your company.

Marketing Research
Mark 302
The goal of the marketing research is to explore the role of research in marketing decision making, the development of research questions, choosing research designs to obtain the necessary information, and interpretation of research results are discussed. The emphasis is placed on the nature and scope of marketing research methods, the development and assessment of measures, the steps and principles involved in gathering and analyzing data, and interpretation of the research results to help in marketing decisions. The students are expected to conduct and evaluate different stages of a marketing research project. My objective with this project is to give each student “hands-on experience” working on a marketing research problem from your company. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. The students will be learning how to managing the Research Process starting with a response to Request for Proposal (RFP) from your company.

Marketing Research
Mark 302
The goal of the marketing research is to explore the role of research in marketing decision making, the development of research questions, choosing research designs to obtain the necessary information, and interpretation of research results are discussed. The emphasis is placed on the nature and scope of marketing research methods, the development and assessment of measures, the steps and principles involved in gathering and analyzing data, and interpretation of the research results to help in marketing decisions. The students are expected to conduct and evaluate different stages of a marketing research project. My objective with this project is to give each student “hands-on experience” working on a marketing research problem from your company. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. The students will be learning how to managing the Research Process starting with a response to Request for Proposal (RFP) from your company.