Sven Hermann
Sven Hermann
  • Incented
    Denver, Colorado, United States

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Recent projects

Denver, Colorado, United States

Incented Protocol Prototype Project

The goal of this project is to build a prototype for the Incented Protocol using traditional web2 technologies (e.g. React for the frontend and Next.js for the backend). The intention is to create a MVP that can be used to test the product while it is being built.

Matches 1
Category Software development
Denver, Colorado, United States

Incented Social Media Marketing and SEO Plan

For Incented, we are looking for assistance to develop a comprehensive social media marketing and SEO plan. Incented is a protocol for autonomous task creation, prioritization, validation, and incentivization to supercharge contribution across the Web3 ecosystem and beyond. What this means is that we provide a protocol for communities and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) to work in an autonomous fashion without the need of managers.We are looking for help in the marketing department to get ready for our private beta launch. The goal is to build a community and following while we are heads down in RnD. That way we will be ready to activate the following and community we built once we launch. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Developing a comprehensive social media marketing plan.- Creating content for social media channels.- Researching and implementing SEO strategies.- Analyzing the effectiveness of the strategies and making adjustments as needed.- Developing a plan for engaging with the community and responding to feedback.

Matches 0
Category Digital marketing + 3
Denver, Colorado, United States - Springboard | UI/UX Design Project

Currently the company is focusing on the RnD of the tech that will power incented. We recognize that we will need to start attracting customers and build a community. Therefore we want to improve our brand presence and identity. We aim to design a website that communicates the vision and mission of incented as well as shows what we do and how we do it.

Matches 1
Category UI design + 4