Prince Wang
Prince Wang
Canadian Contractor Services
Canadian Contractor Services
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Business Blogging: Strategies for Effective Content Marketing

Please provide evidence of your relevant experience in the field for which you are applying. We are seeking candidates with demonstrated expertise in this area to ensure the success of our team.Knowledge Acquisition: Students will bring  a deep understanding of the role of blogging in modern marketing, the benefits it offers to businesses, and the various strategies and techniques involved in successful business blogging.Skill Development: Students will have practical skills related to content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), visual content creation, blogging platform setup and customization, promotion, analytics, and monetization.Strategic Thinking: Students will plan and execute a blogging strategy that aligns with business goals, targets the right audience, and drives results.Application of Concepts: Through to the final project of producing at least 5 @1000 word blogs, students will apply the concepts and techniques to develop a comprehensive blogging strategy proposal for a real business. This hands-on experience will allow them to demonstrate their understanding and showcase their ability to create actionable plans for business blogging success.Critical Thinking and Analysis: Students may evaluate different blogging platforms and monetization strategies, and interpret blog performance metrics to make informed decisions and optimize their blogging strategies.Ethical Considerations: Students will not contravene copyright laws, disclosure requirements for sponsored content, and protecting intellectual property rights. They will learn to navigate these considerations responsibly and ethically in their blogging endeavors.Overall, the main objective of the project is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and strategic mindset needed to leverage blogging as a powerful tool for driving traffic, engaging audiences, and achieving business objectives in the digital age. HARD GOALS: Here are the summary tasks to achieve to complete the project:(Goals subject to revision upon student feedback)1.      Pick a platform that you would like to focus on. That could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google my business or either of the two websites.2.     In the Google Drive provided, you'll find a folder titled "ON BOARDING NEW HIRES" containing a document offering a high-level summary of the project. The Drive is structured to accommodate various folders with all necessary project information.HTTPS://DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM/DRIVE/FOLDERS/1I8YIK98HYJJ9SMZNPGAYBC8YGKTCNA4-?USP=SHARING3.     Assist in developing branding/marketing strategies for Canadian Contractor Services in any of the business silos available. Consult with owner throughout this process to firm up details.4.     Choose and name any 50 photos or videos in any of the Google Drive folders as per the “Naming Conventions”. This is the data you will copy to your private project folder and use for your creative content.5. Edit and create 25 short posts as per “Creative Guidelines” using the skillset you bring to the project. You are basically editing this material for the platform you choose to post to.   You will be part of a team, so this doesn’t become too onerous with your school workload.  6. All accepted work will eventually be posted to our YouTube business channel or a multitude of different platforms like YouTube shorts, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Rumble, Blog posts etc.7. Assist in developing “Posting Procedural Templates” or routines for producing content. 8. Choose work that showcases the best of your skills and creativity for the Riipen terms and condition requirements and submit to the portal.9. Develop 3 @ 1000 word blogs and 25 short posts for publishing. This milestone will be a team effort. Save all your work within the Google Drive environment and on your PC for submitting to Riipen at project completion. • Brainstorming, exploring, and presenting innovative concepts for CCS construction blog . • Crafting, refining, releasing, and amplifying content. • Enhancing our blog's layout to showcase featured snippets, enhancing our visibility over rivals on Google. • Marketing fresh articles through ads, emails, social media, and diverse channels to engage and entice new followers. • Championing and enlightening others about various passions, merchandise, or offerings. • Boosting web traffic by employing SEO strategies and relevant keywords. • Extending invitations to fellow bloggers, authorities, or noteworthy figures to contribute to our online marketplace.

Matches 1
Category Advertising + 4
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Website UI / UX Design & Prototype

Our company would like to explore re-designing our current website with a prototype. We are always on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users.This will involve: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.Identifying key areas of our current website and what areas of focused might return the best results in a redesign.Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students learn how to use Figma as this is the latest and greatest tool currently available.Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendlyConducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support this

Matches 2
Category Branding & style guides + 2
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Developing business website

the goal is to develop a business website using a JavaScript-based stack (React, Node.js, HTML, CSS, etc.), students will be addressing a complex and real-world problem. Here's an adjusted description of the problem and the expected outcomes, avoiding personal pronouns:Project Description:The task involves creating a dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly business website. This website should effectively showcase products or services, engage visitors, and facilitate easy navigation and interaction. Utilizing modern web technologies, including React for the front end, Node.js for the back end, and standard HTML and CSS for structure and styling, is essential.Expected Outcomes:Functional Website Development: A fully functional website tailored to business needs, including an intuitive and appealing user interface, responsive design, and fast load times.Frontend Development with React: Building a user interface using React, demonstrating an understanding of components, state management, and lifecycle methods for an interactive experience.Backend Development with Node.js: Implementing server-side logic, database interactions, and API integration using Node.js to support the website's functionality.HTML and CSS Implementation: Proficiency in creating layouts, styling content, and applying modern CSS techniques like Flexbox or Grid for responsive designs.Integration and Deployment: Integration of the front and backend for smooth data flow and functionality and managing the website's deployment to make it accessible online.Testing and Optimization: Conduct thorough testing to identify and rectify bugs, and optimize the website for performance and search engine optimization (SEO).Project Management Skills: Developing project management skills through effective collaboration, managing timelines, and adapting to changes in project scope.Documentation: Providing comprehensive documentation outlining the website's architecture, codebase, and maintenance or update instructions.This project provides an opportunity to apply knowledge in a real-world scenario, offering valuable experience in web development and project management, catering to the demands of a technology-driven marketplace.

Matches 1
Category Mobile app development + 3