Abhishek Thakur
Abhishek Thakur

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Recent projects

Herb Immortal Inc.
Herb Immortal Inc.
Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Operational Efficiency and Leadership Enhancement Analysis

Herb Immortal Inc. seeks to enhance its operational efficiency, leadership practices, and overall business performance. The company is collaborating with senior-level students from Bay Path University to conduct an in-depth analysis of its current business processes and strategies. The goal is to leverage the students' academic knowledge and diverse skills to identify areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations. This project will involve a thorough examination of existing workflows, leadership structures, and performance metrics. The students will apply classroom theories and methodologies to real-world business scenarios, aiming to drive meaningful improvements within the organization.Key tasks include:- Analyzing current business processes and identifying inefficiencies.- Evaluating leadership practices and their impact on team performance.- Reviewing performance metrics and suggesting enhancements.- Providing a comprehensive report with actionable recommendations.

Matches 2
Category Operations + 3
Herb Immortal Inc.
Herb Immortal Inc.
Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Herb Immortal Visual Identity Revamp

Herb Immortal Inc. is seeking to collaborate with students from Trinity Western University's Art + Design program to create a cohesive and impactful visual identity. The primary goal is to enhance the brand’s appeal and ensure a consistent, engaging experience across all touchpoints. This project involves developing a comprehensive brand identity, designing a print marketing campaign, and revamping the website’s UI/UX. By achieving these objectives, Herb Immortal aims to promote sustainable health and wellness more effectively. The project will allow students to apply their classroom knowledge in branding, graphic design, and user experience design to a real-world scenario, providing valuable hands-on experience.

Matches 0
Category UI design + 3
Herb Immortal Inc.
Herb Immortal Inc.
Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Website UI / UX Design & Prototype

Our company would like to explore re-designing our current website with a prototype. We are always on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users.This will involve: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.Identifying key areas of our current website and what areas of focused might return the best results in a redesign.Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students learn how to use Figma as this is the latest and greatest tool currently available.Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendlyConducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support this

Matches 0
Category Branding & style guides + 2
Herb Immortal Inc.
Herb Immortal Inc.
Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Optimizing Remote and Hybrid Work Models for Herb Immortal Inc.

The goal is to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction by evaluating current practices and providing consulting for remote and hybrid work environments. This will ensure a seamless, efficient, and adaptable work experience that aligns with the company's objectives.

Matches 1