Ana Larade
Accounting Financial services

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La Station Workspace
La Station Workspace
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Financial Business Plan

We are looking to expand our current business and would like to involve students in this exciting time as we work to develop a financial business plan. We are a shared workspace in the Moncton area.. We can provide access to internal documentation and other information as needed as well as access to key contacts. Based on our unique goals and constraints, we would like students to develop a strong, competitive financial business plan, which we can present to investors.The plan should include:Sales forecastingExpense budgetIncome projections (conservative and aggressive)Assets and liabilitiesBreak-even analysisProjected Recruitment costs - including appropriate salaries for various roles.

Matches 1
Category Financial modeling + 2
La Station Workspace
La Station Workspace
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Digital Content Creation

La Station is everything you need to feel balanced and productive, even throughout this pandemic. The carefully curated office, the natural light beaming through the windows, and the energy of the space will make you fall in love with work again.Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools.We are interested in a marketing campaign that accomplishes two things. La Station has recently launched a podcast and begun hosting community events. We would like to promote those to the community. Furthermore, the city of Moncton, where La Station is located, has two universities. Our workspace is a good fit for the needs of students however our marketing to date has targeted entrepreneurs in their 30s and 40s. If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you.

Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4