Amin Sarafraz
Amin Sarafraz
Miami, Florida, United States
Accounting Communications Product or service launch



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Recent projects

Zixels / AI Tribune
Zixels / AI Tribune
Miami, Florida, United States

Website Development

We would like to develop a new website for our upcoming product. We lean toward using React (or React based site generators like Gatsby) but we are open to discuss using other platforms as well. Students should be prepared to:Conduct a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable.Create a design proposal including mock-ups, budget, and timeline. Build a fully-functioning website.Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.

Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 2
Zixels / AI Tribune
Zixels / AI Tribune
Miami, Florida, United States

Virtual Internship / Capstone Project: Computer Science

Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or 2 computer science students or teams.The primary focus for the student will be: (The student(s) can work on one or all the following items) Machine Learning Software Solution - Help with Creating a data aggregation and analysis engineApplication Programming Interfaces - Help with designing and implementing a new API; creating or updating public-facing documentation.Application Development - Help with creating a fully-functioning new feature for our applicationOur goal at the end of this experience is: Machine Learning Software Solution - For the student(s) to help us develop effective machine learning solutions that categorizes published articles in a specific field.Application Programming Interfaces - For the student(s) to help us implement a new API.Application Development - For the student(s) to create a fully functioning new feature for our application.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Zoom, Slack, Email

Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 1