Guillaume Langlois


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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Market Research for the United States

About this project We want to take our business to the next level. We've developed the Canadian market, and now we'd like to dip our toes in the US market. Our ideal clients are pre-K, K and elementary schools and school boards. We require some assistance is assessing our customer landscape outside of Canada... and therefore want to learn more about customer’s expectations and behaviors where there be dragons. There are several entry points into our market: schools and school boards, public, private, charter, etc. Speech Language Pathologists, whether in private or public practice Organizations catering to the needs of educators, teachers and specialists We need a list of all actors in the field. Where are our buyers and how do we reach them? What are the pros and cons to expanding our operations? What potential competitors exist in new locations? What legal protocol will need to be considered? We would like this to be partnered with some primary data collection; surveys and research into our present and future consumer to gather insights into buying behaviors and expansion expectations. These should supplement the location recommendations.

Matches 5
Category Market research + 3
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

A tool called SQOOL (Structured Queries On Orthographic Lexicons)

About Appligogiques* *Pronounced "Appligojeek"! At Appligogiques, we create games that help children learn to read, spell, and write. The acquisition of language is a universal development process, and it can be difficult for children either with our without development impediments. It's a worldwide problem that we tackle with passion and ingenuity! Specifically, our gamified pedagogical tools are built upon the latest research in speech language pathology and aim to awaken and develop phonemic awareness and lexical orthography in children ages 6-10. We also offer a suite of online tools that support teachers, education specialists, and parents in the complex task of fostering child development in today's digital, delocalized world. About this project Context We have developed the EQOL tool in French. It's a word database tool which enables its users to do structured parameter searches in order to build lists of words. The parameters are based on the phono-graphemic structure of the French language (whether a word is a verb, noun or adjective, singular or plural, gender, vowel/consonant consistency, etc.). Our intention is to adapt the tool to English. We think the acronym SQOOL sounds cool (and totally describes what the tool actually is). Although the French and English languages can be surprisingly similar, their structural differences demands more than a simple translation of the tool. It needs to be adapted to reflect how English is built, rather than a simple translation from the French version. This is a multi facetted project which demands a multidisciplinary team of collaborators: students in linguistics, but also UX/UI and software development. Deliverables and expectations This project has two main deliverables: The list of search parameters for the English language A basic database of words, aimed at preschool and elementary grade children

Matches 1
Category Education + 2
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

A UX/UI deep dive in our online portal

About Appligogiques* *Pronounced "Appligojeek"! At Appligogiques, we create games that help children learn to read, spell, and write. The acquisition of language is a universal development process, and it can be difficult for children either with our without development impediments. It's a worldwide problem that we tackle with passion and ingenuity! Specifically, our gamified pedagogical tools are built upon the latest research in speech language pathology and aim to awaken and develop phonemic awareness and lexical orthography in children ages 6-10. We also offer a suite of online tools that support teachers, education specialists, and parents in the complex task of fostering child development in today's digital, delocalized world. About this project We’re looking for top shelf talent to help us improve the user experience of our institutional user portal. It's all about making the tool more intuitive, self explanatory, friendly and ultimately, simple. We're a bunch of developers, and may not be the best in town when it comes to catering to the needs and expectations of the less technologically inclined. The big idea here is empathy: putting yourself in the shoes of an elementary teacher, or a speech language pathologist/therapist, or even a secretary, how would you improve the experience, so that using the portal becomes a joyful, fun, and rewarding experience? This can include adding or removing elements from the pages and menus, rethinking layouts, adding interactive or animated features, tool tips or help sections, changing the customer journey, and/or revamping the look and feel. We're open to anything, as long as it doesn't imply entirely scrapping what we already have in place. You'll see, we did a pretty good job getting where we are now, and we need your help to take this to the next level. Deliverables and expectations The deliverables for this project are: New and/or improved design blueprints for our online portal The key success parameters for this project are: You provide us with bespoke mockups made with . You can also use Figma . Your work follows the Material Design system canon Your design is hashed into clear, sensible Jira tasks/stories for our development team to implement About our tech stack The portal's frontend is made using Angular.js (version 10), following the Material Design guidelines as best as we could The backend is made with Node, MongoDB, and hosted at AWS.

Matches 0
Category Computer science - general + 1
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Create the playbook of outbound sales

About Appligogiques* *Pronounced "Appligojeek"! At Appligogiques, we create games that help children learn to read, spell, and write. The acquisition of language is a universal development process, and it can be difficult for children either with our without development impediments. It's a worldwide problem that we tackle with passion and ingenuity! Specifically, our gamified pedagogical tools are built upon the latest research in speech language pathology and aim to awaken and develop phonemic awareness and lexical orthography in children ages 6-10. We also offer a suite of online tools that support teachers, education specialists, and parents in the complex task of fostering child development in today's digital, delocalized world. About this project How we reach our market Our products are used both at home by families and at school by teachers, speech language pathologists and remedial educators. Currently our marketing efforts are focused solely on institutional education professionals in the pre-K to elementary range, because these clients are the most receptive, bring the greatest return on investment, and have the highest lifetime value. However, reaching them and their decision-making colleagues is tricky. A good old cold call or unsolicited email is often the only way in... How we convince our clients they need our products When we do have a foot in the door, the next step is to accompany them on a 3-4 weeks free trial of our products and platform. The quality and relevancy of our solutions speak on their own to our market, and this is often sufficient to seal the deal. The proven pertinence of our products ensures that once we're in, word of mouth and a little account nurturing give the gift that keeps on giving. The challenge we're facing This methodology may seem easy to grasp and execute, but it isn't. It requires knowledge of the products and how they alleviate our client's pains, practical understanding of the educational terminology, and answers to common objections. Furthermore, we've developed the approach for the French Canadian market, but lack the tools of the trade in regards to the US. Right now, the founder of the company is the only one with the qualifications to carry out successful sales, and therein lies the biggest challenge for us: this approach simply does not scale. How you can help us The goal of this project is to design, create and perfect the playbook of outbound sales for the US market. With this powerful grimoire in our possession, we will share its magic recipes to hire and train apprentices, thereby parallelizing our revenue generation streams. Deliverables and expectations The deliverable for this project is no less than The Playbook of Outbound Sales. The key chapters in the book are: The personal and professional requirements of good apprentices An in depth study of the target market personas and how to address them An analysis of the decision making units in schools, school boards, and charter schools across the US The lexicon of terminology for selling to the pre-k / elementary market The "Open to Close" algorithm How to nurture, develop, and delight customers An addendum of the needed tools Short success stories

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4