Imhan Khondoker
Imhan Khondoker
Market research


Research 5 Marketing 4 Target market 3 Go-to-market strategy 2 Marketing strategies 2 New product development 2 Art therapy 1 Brochures 1 Commercialization 1 Competitive analysis 1 Data analysis 1 Employee performance management 1 Environmental analysis 1 Fundraising 1 Marketing materials 1 Market share 1 Market size 1 Packaging and labeling 1 Presentations 1 Process improvement 1 Product design 1 Promotional materials 1 Quality assurance 1 Revenue stream 1 Sales 1 Sales prospecting 1 Search engine optimization 1 Social media 1 Statistical hypothesis testing 1 Target audience 1 Templates 1

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Recent projects

SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Business Administration

The primary focus for the student will be: (Remove any that don't apply)Strategy - Develop an implementation plan for entering a new market; develop a go-to-market strategy; identify new funding and grant opportunities, write proposals.Operations - Recommend process improvements or redesign processes; develop improvements to supply chain processes; introduce quality assurance into our internal processes.Marketing - Complete a full customer, competitor, market, and environmental analysis; complete a marketing strategy review; design a new marketing strategy (product, place, price, and promotion); Sales - Design a new/improved prospecting process for our sales team; design a new/improved pricing or service structure.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 3
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Senior Wellness Arts Program

Our seniors facility is looking for new, interactive experiences that enrich and assist our residents. We would like to collaborate with students to implement an arts program series. Students will have access to key contacts in our organization for feedback on the program planning.Students should be prepared to:Research and apply information on art therapy for seniors. Develop an arts program series for a senior-aged population with varying abilities.Plan activities, with the assistance of our staff, which are inclusive of varying cognitive and physical abilities.

Matches 1
Category Visual arts + 1
SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

New Product Marketing

We would like to revamp our marketing as we have recently developed a new product.Together with our marketing team, we would like students to design new promotional material for this new product. Based on our insights and additional research, students will develop promotional marketing materials for our existing media and make recommendations on alternative media to consider.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our target market, products and services.Assessing our existing marketing strategy and efforts.Recommending marketing tactics to promote our new product such as exclusive previews and introductory offers.Designing promotional material for various media.Making multiple versions of marketing materials and testing them for comparison.

Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 2
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Product Launch Strategy

We want to expand our organization by introducing new ways to raise funds. We need insights to help anticipate the ramp-up to commercialization and the best approach to go to market successfully with our new product. Initial questions to brainstorm include, but are not limited to:1. Where in the world is the best place to launch for early success? What is the total market size for this opportunity?2. With whom should we partner on manufacturing, kitting, packaging, warehousing, and fulfillment? How complex is that and how much will it cost, realistically?3. Who are our closest competitors and how do we differentiate ourselves?4. How do we establish our brand: Build awareness, acquire customers, and defend any early success?We are looking to gain alternative perspectives on potential marketing tactics and better understand the current competitive market.

Matches 1
Category Market expansion + 3