Vishal Vishal
Vishal Vishal
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Videography Communications Market research Public relations Leadership


Business planning 1 Communication 1 Demography 1 Go-to-market strategy 1 Marketing 1 Marketing strategies 1 Market size 1 Pest analysis 1 Sales presentations 1 Stakeholder analysis 1

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Grey-box - Free WiFi for Remote Communities
Grey-box - Free WiFi for Remote Communities
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

International expansion - Social Impact Project

WHO: Grey-box is social innovation startup that is working on providing free wifi access to educational content in areas where internet and electricity access is problematic.WHY: 50% of the world lives offline – they haven’t connected to the internet in the last 3 months. In Africa, the average cost for 1GB of data is 7% of the average monthly salary. Even in North America, 50% of rural Canada does not have access to the minimum speed for Internet. We believe that this is a solvable problem.HOW: In a nutshell, our IT worked on a technical solution for connectivity issues in remote areas based on customer interviews. We plan to deploy sales effort in 1) Nord America (with a focus on northern regions and rural areas), 2) Latin America (with local NGOs), and 3) West Africa (with local NGOs). There is already a draft for a marketing strategy that can be used as a base. The scope of the project is to pick one region (out of three) and update the business plan, formalize go to market strategy that will include a list of important stakeholders to contact, key elements in the sales pitch, and communication line. Weekly touchpoints can be made with the CEO as well as with the marketing and IT teams.Grey-box is a nonprofit structured under the principle of mobile-first and remote-first. Diversity is not only encouraged, it is an integral part of the strength of the team and its projects

Matches 17
Category Competitive analysis + 4