Josh Schachnow
Josh Schachnow
Josh Schachnow
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Joshua Schachnow, B.Com., J.D. (Western), is a Toronto-based lawyer focused on corporate immigration law. More specifically, he helps Canadian companies hire and sponsor tech workers using the Global Talent Stream as well as skilled workers from around the world navigate Canadian immigration so they can start a new life here.

Due to his interest in business and tech, Joshua also founded Visto - a free platform helping skilled workers through the Express Entry process.

In his spare time, Joshua enjoys playing sports, reading (fiction and non-fiction) and cooking.

Marketing strategy


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Recent projects


Content/Social Media Marketing

Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for up to 2 students.The primary focus for the student will be: Working with the CEO and executive assistant to continue to create, re-use, re-purpose, post and share marketing material across a broad range of social media platforms, including:- Facebook/IG/LinkedIn/Twitter/Youtube/TikTok/Quora accounts- email marketing- private company FB group- weekly live webinarsOur goal at the end of this experience is: That you have a thorough understanding of what goes into creating marketing materials that will attract the desired users/customers, how to create it, how to share it and how to engage on the various platforms to build trust with your userbase.Other duties the student may complete could include: We are a startup, so naturally we may have other related tasks that you are welcome to work on (if time permits), and we're also open to your suggestions. We love to test new things!We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Riipen, Whatsapp/FB (depending on your preference), email, Google HangoutsStudent's primary contact: Josh Schachnow, CEO

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4

Legal Research and Content Creation

We operate a free portal so international students and skilled workers can learn more about Canadian immigration and be guided through the application process. Because of this, we're always looking to improve our current content and guides, and add more guides on different Canadian immigration options for ours users. We are looking for a student or paralegal-in-training with an interest in Canadian immigration law to help. The direct contact for the project will be our CEO, a Canadian immigration lawyer in good standing with the Ontario Bar.This project may include, but is not limited to:Identifying opportunities to improve our current immigration guides and contentResearch into unexplored content and immigration lawDrafting new guides and content for our portal and blogThe goal is to help our intern:learn a lot about Canadian immigrationimprove their research, writing and communication skillsexperience working in a startup environmentIf interested, please reach out!

Matches 1
Category Media + 1

Content/Social Media Marketing

Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship for 1 student.The primary focus for the student will be: Working with the leadership team to create, re-use, re-purpose and share marketing material across a range of social media platforms, including:- Facebook/IG/LinkedIn/Twitter/Youtube/TikTok- email marketing- private FB group- webinarsOur goal at the end of this experience is: That you have a thorough understanding of what goes into creating marketing materials that will attract the desired users/customers, how to create it, how to share it and how to engage on the various platforms to build trust with your userbase.Other duties the student may complete could include: We are a startup, so naturally we may have other related tasks that you are welcome to work on (if time permits), and we're also open to your suggestionsWe will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Slack, email, Google HangoutsStudent's primary contact: Josh Schachnow, CEO

Matches 1
Category Communications + 3