Faraz Bhojani
Faraz Bhojani He / Him
Data visualization Advertising Website development Mobile app development Software development

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Expense Trend
Expense Trend
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Website Development

Our company advertises a personal finance software online. We hope to add more functionality to our existing website to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to develop new features that are modern and easy to use. This can be achieved in HTML, CSS, JS, and/or React.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching different financial calculators and their advantages and disadvantagesDeveloping financial calculators such as home affordability calculator or retirement calculatorBuilding financial calculators, with our assistance in providing the content.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Matches 1
Category Website development + 2
Expense Trend
Expense Trend
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Digital Marketing

Our company advertises a personal finance software online. We have developed a set of marketing strategies, but it has been challenging to implement them.We would like to collaborate with students to review and post content promoting our company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our target market, products and services.Creating marketing content in the form of posts, blogs, and infgraphics, etc.Set up buffer to load social media postsDeploying content according to our social media calendar to increase website traffic.Overseeing our channels and keeping them up-to-date.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending search engine optimization (SEO) strategies so our materials are easily accessible.

Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 2