omar maqsood
Illustration Workplace culture Leadership Talent recruitment Market expansion


Research 7 Target market 3 Nessus 2 Nmap 2 Open web application security project (owasp) 2 Penetration testing 2 Preparing executive summaries 2 Vulnerability 2 Demography 1 Ethical hacking 1 Fundraising 1 Marketing 1 Marketing materials 1 Marketing strategies 1 New product development 1 Promotional materials 1 Search engine optimization 1 Social media 1 Social media analytics 1 Social media content 1 Surveying 1 Target audience 1 Wireframing 1

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Recent projects

Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Security & Penetration Testing of Web Application 2.0

Our company has a website / technology product. A standard practice for web based tools is to conduct what is known as penetration tests.We would like a group of students to design and perform a pen test on our application, involving:Students become familiar with our product and understand generally how it works.Students should spend time conducting research on state of the art pen testing technologies. They should look into common vulnerability lists such as OWASP Top 10, and common security tools such as Nmap, Burp Suitar, Nessus, and Wireshark.Students should have a written attack plan and present it to usStudents are free to attack our product as per the presented plan.

Matches 1
Category Networking + 4
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Awareness Contest Design

Our organization is passionate about promoting social causes. We ​​want to increase awareness about a particular topic.We would like to work with students to design an awareness contest where contestants promote our cause and win rewards along the way.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our organization’s goals and campaigns.Designing the contest structure and assessment criteria.Creating materials to promote the contest.Running the contest online and collecting submissions.

Matches 1
Category Event planning + 1
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Market Expansion Research

As a company, we currently exist in one market, but we believe we are ready to take our business to the next level and expand our scope of locations. With your help, we hope to assess our customer landscape beyond the demographics we currently cater to by learning about their expectations and behaviors. Currently our market is the youth, we want to expand our readership to the other age groups. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching the target market in potential new locations including demographic data such as spending power, proximity, accessibility, and location appeal, and creating a weighted decision matrix to assign importance to each factor.Creating a survey based on the location and demographic information above to be distributed by our company.Analyzing survey data using the weighted decision matrix to decide on the best location options for us to expand to.Compiling a report including the location analysis, and optimal location recommendations.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 4
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Fundraising Plan

Our organization is committed to serving our target population. However, we are currently facing funding challenges.We would like to collaborate with students to develop a fundraising plan to meet our goals.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our mission, values and goals.Familiarizing themselves with our past fundraising activities and donors.Conducting background research on fundraising strategies.Recommending suitable fundraising strategies and creating a timeline / calendar of these activities.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Assisting in implementing new fundraising activities.

Matches 2
Category Social work + 2