
Open projects

Projects available to all portals

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Edouard Romeus
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Business strategy Market research Operations Product or service launch
process improvement resource allocation business process business process reengineering process mapping communication resource utilization process modeling technology adoption lifecycle business strategies
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?
  1. Process Mapping: Students will use Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) to map out the current operational processes. This step involves documenting each step, resource utilization, and dependencies.
  2. Bottleneck Identification: Learners will analyze the process maps to identify bottlenecks—areas where efficiency is compromised or delays occur.
  3. Research and Solutions: For each bottleneck, students will research potential solutions. These could involve process redesign, technology adoption, or resource allocation adjustments.
  4. Proposal and Implementation Plan: Based on their research, learners will create a proposal with recommendations for process improvements. The proposal will include an implementation plan.
  5. Revised Process Model: Finally, students will create a second BPMN model that incorporates the proposed solutions.
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What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  • Process Mapping using BPMN:Students will create detailed process maps using Business Process Model Notation (BPMN). These maps will outline each step in the existing operational processes.
  • They will evaluate the resources (time, personnel, materials) consumed by each step.
  • Bottleneck Identification:Learners will analyze the process maps to identify bottlenecks—areas where inefficiencies occur or delays are common.
  • These bottlenecks could be related to resource allocation, communication gaps, or outdated procedures.
  • Research Sustainable Solutions:For each identified bottleneck, students will conduct research to find sustainable solutions.
  • Solutions may involve process redesign, technology adoption, or changes in resource allocation.
  • Proposal Creation:Based on their research, participants will create a proposal that outlines recommendations for improvement.
  • The proposal should include detailed strategies for addressing each bottleneck.
  • Implementation Plan:Learners will develop an implementation plan for rolling out the proposed solutions.
  • This plan should consider timelines, resource allocation, and potential challenges.
  • Updated BPMN Model (Bonus Step):As a bonus, students can create an updated BPMN model that incorporates the proposed solutions.
  • This revised model will reflect the optimized processes.
  • Final Deliverables:Learners should submit:A proposal document with sustainable strategies for making Buyer Folio more efficient.
  • A 30-minute presentation explaining their research, reasoning, and implementation recommendations for each strategy.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:

  • Are there any bottlenecks we are currently aware of?
  • Which aspects of our operational processes work well for us? Which do we want to change?
  • Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter..
Supported causes
No poverty
About the company

Welcome to Buyer Folio, where we’re revolutionizing co-homeownership! Our innovative platform makes buying homes accessible and affordable for everyone. Here’s how:
• Folio Score®: Our AI-driven Folio Score® analyzes financial data, providing a fair assessment of your home buying power.
• Personalized Journey: Our User-to-Property Recommendation System and Co-Ownership Recommender Model connect you with co-owners and properties aligned with your goals.
• Community Focus: We believe in vibrant communities where everyone belongs. Join us on this exciting homeownership journey! 🏡🌟