
Open projects

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Parents 2 Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Leila Kubesch
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
UI design Graphic design Volunteer organizing Community engagement Mobile app development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are a not for profit organization comprised of professional volunteers. Our team is 100% volunteers and we speak to schools around the country and on some occasions are invited to speak in Canada and Mexico. We speak to large audiences of about 1200 educators. At the end of our keynotes, a lot of people line up to talk to us and then they leave because the lines are too long.

We would love an app that offers attendees a QR code to connect with us. We need feedback, opportunities to be referred to do talks and invited as often as possible. Or the chance to get their email contact so we may send them the slides or upcoming information.

We aspire to empower and elevate educators around the world. The main speaker in our organization is the State and National Teacher of the Year as well as the 2022 National Teacher Hall of Fame. We speak on inclusion, youth and teacher empowerment. We found an app called TALKaDOT but it cost $400 in U.S currency.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

We would like to have this app so we may make it available to educators around the U.S who wish to donate their time and speak to high-needs school anywhere. All we need is a place to stay with a family and travel and we speak as a volunteer.

The app needs:

QR code to share with attendees

Evaluation for our talk

A way to connect with anyone who wishes to contact us

Anyone who wishes to refer us to speak

If possible: Currency conversion.

If we could sell this as a $25 for other speakers it would help the organization to allow us to volunteer more often. It is a long shot and a huge dream.



How will you support learners in completing the project?

We will be available to students anytime they wish by phone or zoom.

Test, share data, and anything else they require to make it a HUGE success.

About the company

What We Do:

We elevate the work of schools K-12 and youth-serving agencies with cross-cultural communication skills and methods of outreach in order to connect them with all families they serve and improve learning and outcomes for all students.