
Open projects

Projects available to all portals

London, England, United Kingdom
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Design & creative UI design UX design Website development
software design competitive analysis iterative design interface design user experience (ux) user interface testing usability usability testing typography prototyping
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main objective of this project is to redesign the UX and UI of WebWatch, aiming to enhance user experience and interface design for improved usability and functionality. 

Problem Statement/Objective:

Learners will be tasked with addressing existing usability issues and enhancing the overall user experience of WebWatch. They are expected to analyse user feedback, identify pain points, and propose solutions to streamline navigation, optimise features, and ensure intuitive interaction with the platform.

By the end of the project, learners should deliver a redesigned interface that provides users with a seamless and efficient experience while monitoring and tracking their uploaded images online.

Our company would like to explore re-designing our current website with a prototype. We are on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users.

This will involve:

  • Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.
  • Identifying key areas of our current website and what areas of focused might return the best results in a redesign.
  • Learning and using various software design tools. - Figma
  • Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendly
  • Conducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support this
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

1. User Research:

  - Conduct user interviews and surveys to gather feedback on current UX/UI.

  - Analyse user behaviours and pain points through data collection and observation.

2. Competitive Analysis:

  - Evaluate competitor platforms to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  - Benchmark WebWatch against industry standards and user expectations.

3. Wire framing and Prototyping:

  - Create wireframes to visualise the new layout and user flow.

  - Develop interactive prototypes to test usability and gather further feedback.

4. Iterative Design:

  - Implement user feedback and iterate on wireframes and prototypes.

  - Refine interface elements, navigation, and visual design based on usability testing.

5. Visual Design:

  - Develop a cohesive visual language, including colour schemes, typography, and iconography.

  - Design high-fidelity mockups that reflect the finalisded user interface.

6. Usability Testing:

  - Conduct usability tests with target users to evaluate the redesigned interface.

  - Gather feedback on usability, clarity, and effectiveness of the new design.

7. Implementation Support:

  - Collaborate with developers to ensure smooth implementation of the redesigned interface.

  - Provide support and guidance during the development process to maintain design integrity.

8. Documentation and Handover:

  - Document design decisions, guidelines, and assets for future reference.

  - Prepare handover materials and training resources for stakeholders and development teams.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Support Offered:

1. Mentorship:

  - Dedicated mentors will be available to provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the project.

  - Mentors will offer expertise in UX/UI design, graphic design, and usability testing to assist learners in overcoming challenges and achieving project goals.

2. Staff Time:

  - Regular check-ins and milestone reviews will be scheduled to track progress and provide assistance as needed.

3. Collaboration Platform:

  - A collaborative platform (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams, or project management tools) will be utilised for communication, file sharing, and collaboration among team members and mentors.

4. Peer Support:

  - Opportunities for peer collaboration and knowledge sharing will be facilitated to foster a supportive learning environment.

Learners will be encouraged to collaborate, share insights, and provide feedback to each other throughout the project duration.Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project.

About the company

Monitor your Digital Content with WebWatch
Reclaim ownership of your images. Discover their online presence and usage!

WebWatch is an application designed to allow owners of copyrighted images to know and manage where their assets are being used online. Users will be able to upload images to find online matches, and then manage those matches to track, monitor or simply view the reach of their media.