
Open projects

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MNOW Developers Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Medicine & health Data analysis Market research Financial modeling International development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Citizens from African countries have identified the need to sustainably provide high-end medical services in Africa and put a halt to the export of scarce foreign exchange from the Continent in the form of medical tourism. The main goal of the project is to conduct research on international medical services as well as financial sustainability, focusing on economic trends, policies, and practices that contribute to long-term financial stability and growth. The project will involve:

  • Analyzing economic data from various countries and regions.

  • Identifying key factors that contribute to financial sustainability in the provision of medical services.

  • Gathering information from several stakeholders in order to get information and data, reviewing said information and data for accuracy.

  • Assessing the impact of different financial policies and practices.

  • Researching best practices for promoting financial sustainability.

  • Developing recommendations for improving financial sustainability on an international scale.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The learners will need to complete the following tasks to achieve the project goal:

  • Research and analysis of economic data from multiple countries.

  • Identification of key factors contributing to financial sustainability.

  • Connecting with stakeholders in the medical field to gather information and data

  • Assessment of the impact of financial policies and practices.

  • Development of recommendations for promoting international financial sustainability.

Final deliverables should include:

  • A comprehensive research report on international financial sustainability.

  • Recommendations for promoting financial sustainability on a global scale.
How will you support learners in completing the project?

Learners will work with select members of our team with expertise and experience in related areas including medicine, finance, banking, and social work. They will be expected to use modern IT tools in order to rapidly access information from relevant areas

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

Works with stakeholders in Africa and Canada to deliver healthcare related services in selected African countries