Disrupting Toxic Stress

Innovate Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Social Innovation Manager
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Market research Law and policy Social sciences
competitive analysis business services storytelling and data visualization data analysis research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Research shows conclusively that early childhood development is a pivotal point for preventative measures making a large impact. Identifying issues and intervening early is crucial to positively enhance the outcomes of children as they grow.

Disrupt Toxic Stress (working title) is our starting place to create new solutions to old problems and “blow up” the social determinants of health. Thanks for embarking on this journey with us!

What we are looking for is as follows:

1. Intro/Context: 5-10%

  • Context of toxic stress in Canada

2. Research/Environmental Scan - 40%

  • Analysis of how toxic stress impacts kids/youth at different ages and across different circumstances (e.g. ethnocultural background, trauma history, socioeconomic status, urban/rural/Northern, gender, etc.)
  • Any similarities/differences
  • Any patterns/anomalies?

3. Best and Promising Practices re: toxic stress in youth - 40%

  • Best and promising interventions/techniques/strategies nationally and/or globally including:
  • WHO is delivering this ‘solution’
  • WHY is it successful
  • WHAT is innovative or unique about its approach?
  • Delivery model (e.g. in-person, peer-to-peer, online, etc.)
  • Funders/funding structure (if applicable)

4. Insights & Recommendations - 10%

  • Key insight or aha gained through this exploration process (by each Fellow) (5%)
  • Recommendation(s) on how we could best Disrupt Toxic Stress on youth from each Fellow’s perspective (5%)

5 pages max. Succinct and well synthesized, please!

About the company

Innovate Calgary is a full-service organization offering intellectual property management and business incubator services to researchers, entrepreneurs and businesses within the advanced technology sector. We support commercialization by providing: business and technical advice, workshops, assessments for commercial potential, access to sector resources and networking events, licensing and intellectual property protection, company creation/incubation programs, and office and lab space, including tenancy and business resources and facilities for technology companies. Innovate Calgary has evaluated over 1,600 discoveries, secured more than 600 patents and negotiated over 550 technology commercialization agreements in over 24 countries.