Social Innovation Academy
Social Innovation Academy
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Portal website
Unknown website

The Social Innovation Academy (SIA) is a national network of analysts and service providers with a common goal: to cultivate social purpose organizations in Canada. Supported by HSBC Bank Canada and led by the UBC Sauder Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing, the Social Innovation Academy is a cross-Canada initiative that will provide social purpose organizations (SPOs) with three resources: Talent, Knowledge, Capital.

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Recent experiences

Social Innovation Academy - Challenge Cycle #5


Feb 8, 2020 - Mar 9, 2020

The Social Innovation Academy (SIA) is a national network of students and innovation hubs with a common goal: to cultivate social purpose organizations in Canada. SIA is supported by HSBC Bank Canada & Employment and Social Development Canada and is led by the UBC Sauder Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing.THIS COURSE IS BY INVITATION ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY UNLESS A REQUEST IS SENT TO YOU.

Admin Cheralyn Chok
Matches 0
Category Market research + 2

Training Module 1. Education & Cost-Benefit Analysis (Cycle 2)


Nov 13, 2019 - Dec 23, 2019

This training module was created in collaboration with the UBC Sauder Centre for Social Innovation & Impact investing (SauderS3i). Students will discover the current best-practices, concepts, theories and tools in the education space. Additionally, students will also be trained to develop a simple cost-benefit analysis (CBA) model.Use the link below for the detailed instructions. Training Module 1 Education and Cost-benefit Analysis (CBA)

Admin Bruno Lam
Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 2

Social Innovation Academy - Challenge Cycle #4


Nov 15, 2019 - Jan 14, 2020

The Social Innovation Academy (SIA) is a national network of students and innovation hubs with a common goal: to cultivate social purpose organizations in Canada. SIA is supported by HSBC Bank Canada and led by the UBC Sauder Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing.

Admin Cheralyn Chok
Matches 3
Category Social sciences + 4

Social Innovation Academy - Challenge Cycle #3


Oct 1, 2019 - Oct 29, 2019

The Social Innovation Academy (SIA) is a national network of students and innovation hubs with a common goal: to cultivate social purpose organizations in Canada. SIA is supported by HSBC Bank Canada and led by the UBC Sauder Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing.

Admin Cheralyn Chok
Matches 0
Category Social sciences + 4