Real-Time Video-Based Oxygen Saturation Measurement

Aberrant Designs Inc
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Managing Director, Aberrant Designs Inc.
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Product or service launch
heart rate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pneumonia communication vital signs emergency departments mass-casualty incident respiratory rate computer vision computer science
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Background information:

We have previously worked on non-contact monitoring of heart rate and respiratory rate using radar and computer vision in conjunction with thermal cameras to be used in the clinical decision making process for patients in emergency department waiting rooms. We are now looking into non-contact monitoring of blood oxygen saturation levels based on exciting recent literature that use video cameras. This is called remote photoplethysmography. Oxygen saturation is a key metric (vital sign) for many medical conditions such as COPD/asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary emboli, congestive heart failure etc as well as COVID-19 where low oxygen saturation is one of the most common signs that may even be present before other symptoms appear. As such, being able to monitor oxygen saturation without contact will greatly improve the screening process. It could also be used in many other areas in the hospital including seclusion rooms or in other environments such as safe injection sites, police cells/prisons, airport/border screening and during mass casualty events or refugee camps.

All of us at Aberrant Designs Inc work in the medical field as ER physicians and Chris Yoon is a current medical student with a UBC computer science background.


Main Objectives:

The objective of this capstone is to replicate findings in the literature to measure oxygen saturation using video.

Objective 1 - Familiarizing with the literature on using video to measure oxygen saturation levels.

Objective 2 - Using a contact-based pulse oximeter to obtain baseline oxygen saturation levels to compare with the video based method.

Objective 3 - Reproducing the findings based on a reimplementation or via an original method.

Main Deliverables:

We hope for the following deliverables for each objective.

Objective 1 - An aggregate of related papers and brief summaries

Objective 2 - A pipeline to use a contact-based pulse oximeter to measure and save baseline oxygen saturation levels

Objective 3 - We understand reproducing results from the literature is challenging and can be met with unforeseen difficulties. It would be fantastic if the team can reproduce results of measuring oxygen saturation using video that is comparable with contact-based measurements. However, the project would still be a great success if the team can document what has been attempted and potential reasons for negative results.

We fully appreciate the difficulties students will encounter this year as a result of COVID-19 restrictions and the lack of access to UBC facilities and in-person group meetings. We have been involved in previous years' Capstone projects and are happy to provide "bridging support". This includes increased communication with us to support and guide you as well as potential access to medical equipment, facilities and meeting space. There will undoubtedly be roadblocks along the way that we will endeavour to help overcome and will be flexible in our scope and approach.


Intellectual Property and Non-Disclosure Agreements:

Does your project require an IPA and NDA?

  • YES

Does your organization have an affiliation to UBC?

  • No

Project classification:

Is this project a repeat or a continuation of a past Capstone project with UBC ECE?

  • No

Which category best describes the project?

Select one of the below options

  1. improve an existing product
  2. new product development
  3. idea validation
  4. technology exploration
  5. operational application
  6. Other

Combination of idea validation, tech exploration and ultimately new product development

What keywords best describe your project?

  • remote photoplethysmography
  • oxygen saturation detection using video
  • oximetry

About the company

Aberrant Designs Inc. was founded in 2004 by three Emergency Medicine Physicians in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The first product the company patented, designed, manufactured and distributed was the Banana Guard™. Venture capital funding was secured on CBC’s Dragons’ Den leading to a successful exit. Since then, the company has focussed on medical innovation with several projects in the final stages of development. These include a non-contact monitoring system for patient vital signs in hospital waiting areas and a novel simulation device for the practice of ECMO (extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation) assisted cardiac life support.