Project: Human City IoT Prototype

Project: Human City
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
UI design Engineering project management Hardware product design Software development Hardware
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is for students in the Computer Engineering Technology class to apply their skills in electronics, embedded systems, web development, and databases to design and build a hardware/software prototype that addresses a technical problem or challenge faced by Project: Human City.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

- Identifying a technical problem or challenge faced by Project: Human City.

- Designing and building a hardware/software prototype to address the identified problem or challenge.

- Documenting the project process.

- Creating user and developer documentation.

- Delivering a professional technical report and oral presentation summarizing their work.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Tasks learners need to complete to achieve the project goal include:

- Identification of a technical problem or challenge faced by Project: Human City.

- Design and build a hardware/software prototype to address the identified problem or challenge.

- Documentation of the project process.

- Creation of user and developer documentation.

- Delivery of a professional technical report and oral presentation summarizing their work.

Final deliverables should include:

- Hardware/software prototype.

- User and developer documentation.

- Professional technical report.

- Oral presentation summarizing the project work.

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

The People Planning Project is an attempt to reach an unprecedented level of bioethics in which every human is guaranteed his or her basic needs are met. The People Planning Project strives for the global establishment of IoT infrastructure, free access to the Internet, a global standardized free education system, social learning, environmental stewardship and equal opportunity for all.