App Developer (Montreal)

F8th Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Product or service launch Information technology
c (programming language) c++ (programming language) material design android studio android (operating system) network testing git (version control system) java (programming language) cyber security 5g technology
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Job description

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Exciting opportunity for an Application Developer candidate looking to pursue a career in the AI and Cybersecurity industry with a high-growth startup based in Toronto.

The job will require the candidate to commute to the 5G network test-bed at times as the job involves a project in collaboration with the government which consists working with different 5G services. All commute costs will be covered by the company. It is imperative for the candidate to be located in Montreal.


  • Developing Android app products and internal applications.
  • Design and implementation of features based on customer requirements and product management.
  • Writing structured, well-organized, and reusable code.
  • Writing technical documentation suitable for internal and external consumption.
  • Have ownership through the full lifecycle of product development, including design, development, validation and test automation, deployment, and support in production.


  • Experience building native mobile Android applications

Eg: Android Studio, Java and/or Kotlin

  • Familiar with the app publishing process, Google Play Console.
  • Knowledge of C/C++ and integrating C libraries with Android applications
  • Experience with source control (git).
  • Experience with Agile delivery and development methodologies.
  • GUI skills (Material design)
  • Nice to have: iOS experience.

Opportunité excitante en télétravail pour un(e) candidat(e) développeur d’application Android désirant poursuivre sa carrière en intelligence artificielle et en cybersécurité avec une start-up en pleine ébullition basée à Toronto et Montréal.
Le travail nécessitera que le candidat se rende parfois au banc d'essai du réseau 5G, car le travail implique un projet en collaboration avec le gouvernement qui consiste à travailler avec différents services 5G. Tous les frais de déplacement seront pris en charge par l'entreprise. Il est impératif que le candidat soit situé à Montréal.

  • Développer des applications Android et applications internes
  • Concevoir et implémenter des composants basés sur les besoin des clients et du chef de projet
  • Codage structuré, bonne organisation et code réutilisable
  • Rédaction de la documentation technique à des fins internes et externes
  • Capacité de s’approprier le développement du produit tout au long de son évolution incluant, sans s’y limiter; la conception, le développement, la validation ainsi que l’automatisation des tests, le déploiement et le support en production


  • Expérience dans la création d'applications mobiles Android natives

Exemple: Android Studio, Java et/ou Kotlin

  • Familier avec le processus de publication d'applications, Google Play Console
  • Connaissance de C/C++ et intégration de bibliothèques C avec des applications Android
  • Expérience avec le contrôle de source (git)
  • Expérience avec les méthodologies de livraison et de développement Agile
  • Points supplémentaires si vous avez également de l’expérience sur IOS
How will you support learners in completing the project?

Constant communication via zoom with the development team. Both unpaid/paid internship depending on the profile (full-time job)

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Banking & finance, It & computing, Technology, Business & management

F8th’s mission is to provide solutions to organizations against the latest cyber threats, enforce user privacy and corporate data security, and mitigate the massive damages and losses caused by data breaches.

F8th’s behavioural biometric analysis (BBA) works by analyzing mouse, keyboard and touchscreen movements to discern the unique identity of the user. Unlike conventional two-step authentication systems, F8th uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to analyze 100s of these inputs in real time to identify an authorized user vs a fraudster. Moreover, F8th passively protects the customer and corporate data by continuously authenticating users through their human behaviors. Unlike every other tracker, F8th uses data that websites need to provide services, hence it is not impacted by browser tracker blockers, and is completely compliant with the new data privacy regulations.