
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Alex Pustovoyt
Principal at Vancouver Laptop
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Computer science & IT UI design UX design Graphic design Branding & style guides Website development
bootstrap (front-end framework) sass next.js (javascript library) react.js (javascript library) branding brand identity
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The project's main goal is to launch Cyberdile's online presence with a custom website and a strong brand identity. Learners will need to perform various tasks, from branding and web development to testing and training, to achieve this goal.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  1. Brand Creation: Invent a unique brand identity for Cyberdile, specifying what the brand stands for and how it should appear visually.
  2. Logo Design: Craft a distinctive and memorable logo that represents our brand.
  3. Website Development: Modify an existing website theme with React, Next.js, Bootstrap, and Sass to match our brand's look and feel.
  4. Content Integration: Add our company's content to the website, such as text and images, so visitors can learn about us.
  5. Testing: Examine the website to find and fix any problems or issues to ensure it works well.
  6. Performance Improvement: Make the website load quickly and work smoothly for a better user experience.
  7. Attribution: Properly credit the tools and resources used in the project, like React and Bootstrap.
  8. Documentation: Provide guides and information about how the website works.
  9. Training/Handover: If needed, teach our team how to manage and update the website and use the new brand assets.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

To help you finish the project for Cyberdile, we'll provide:

  1. Project Plan: We'll explain what to do and when to do it.
  2. Learning Materials: We'll share helpful lessons and guides for you to learn what you need.
  3. Tech Support: If you have problems, we'll have experts to assist you.
  4. Feedback: We'll give you tips on how to get better and make sure you're on track.
  5. Tools and Software: You'll get access to the computer programs you need.
  6. Problem Solving: If you run into issues, we'll help you find solutions.

About the company

Cyberdile is a company that works with both businesses and everyday people. We specialize in keeping digital information and online activities safe. For businesses, we help protect their data and digital assets. For individuals, we ensure their online experience is secure and worry-free. Whether you're a business owner or just someone who wants to stay safe on the internet, Cyberdile is here to help you navigate the digital world with confidence.