Training Product R&D WISHcpd™ Educating Clinicians to Adopt MedTech

The Future Care (UK) Ltd
London, England, United Kingdom
Andrew Cowen
Founder & CEO
Academic experience
200 hours per learner
Advanced level

Project scope

Market research Product or service launch Education
target audience virtual reality machine learning ethical standards and conduct artificial intelligence pharmaceuticals social work innovation derivatives research

PRODUCT TITLE: WISHcpd™ - Wearable Insights Smart Health continuing professional development.


The Future Care (UK) Ltd is an SME and is seeking to engage in research and collaboration with a University and EdTech supplier, to research and develop WISHcpd™ for use by clinicians with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.


Future Care (FC) has been invited to participate in a UK based, leading-edge world-class EDUCATE EdTech Accelerator, hosted by University Colleague London (UCL)’s educational laboratory, British Education Suppliers Associations and F6S Innovation Hub. FC is seeking a university/post grad to work with FC, participate in this accelerator programme and helping in develop WISHcpd™. This focus could lead to a collaboration with a leading educational training supplier or a springboard for an entrepreneurial and enterprising student interested in developing an EdTech business initiative.

The EDUCATE accelerator is virtual and starts 5Jul’21. As ALL the sessions will be recorded, overseas participation is not a problem.


To date, there is no accredited clinical CPD programme that informs clinicians, social services commissioners, and front-line key workers, supporting them in the power and potential of digital health, how it can change and improve work practises, patient user outcomes, implantation in their work practise and improve efficiencies. WISHcpd™ fills this knowledge/adoption gap. Spread across four main modules, the on-line education accredited training equips clinicians with:

1. Review of lifestyle and approved digital devices, medically approved Apps, and use of data,

2. Expectations, ethical concerns, and manage the clinician’s barriers to adoption.

3. Medtech integration of into clinician’s work practice, diagnostics and sync with their legacy, patient record systems. This module could include a simple virtual reality (VR) option

4. Database of telecare, digital health/Medtech, product services and therapies. This is not dissimilar to the way a doctor uses a directory of available drugs to address medical symptoms. The end objective of the database will be an approved / accredited, go-to place for integrating digital health and wellness devices into clinical work practises for better patient outcomes. Database of Dhealth & Wellness products, services, and therapies will be driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) and will learn from a user’s engagement, patterns to speed up recommend and inform user of other related initiatives around their interests.

Product Extensions

WISHcpd™ fills the gap in supporting clinical adoption of digital health. From the structure of this online education programme, we can reuse materials to develop other products that meet similar needs but across different target audiences e.g., social workers, or the public who due to their ‘informal’ role as caring for family or working in the community, they could be considered as ‘expert carers’. WISHcpd™ or a derivative could consolidate this acquired learning and provide accreditation and transferring of their skills to help others as community ‘Ambassadors’.

Commercial Potential

1. Traditional pay-as-you-go or subscription for single or multi-user eLearning licence

2. Subscription to telecare product resources database

3. Turnkey managed resource(s) for: Pharmaceutical, public or commercial health provider, association

4. White label and affiliate companies

No deliverables exist for this project.

Future Care and the students we work with and be supported by the institutional bodies that support the EDUCATE EdTech Accelerator programme alongside their mentors resources and EdTech labs. This will also include the recorded sessions for the structured course programme that will last approx. 12 weeks.

Future Care also offer the student(s) a 1-1.5hr induction meet and greet virtual conf call and thereafter weekly 30min conf call to ensure student(s) are supported and remaining on track

About the company

London, England, United Kingdom
2 - 10 employees
Retail, Technology, Education, Hospital, health, wellness & medical, Consumer goods & services

Future Care(FC) is an SME based in London, UK. Our R&D is focused on a bespoke, wearable, non-invasive, medical precision instrument for infants (0-24months), remotely monitoring vital signs and integrated stethoscope, linked to a predictive & preventative analytics platform, Reports and Alarms sent to end user consumer (B2C) and medical (B2M) APPS.
FC works closely with ARROW is a $30B international electronics company and their partners.