Help our customers make product decisions

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Data visualization UX design Lead generation Sales strategy Website development
decision making software product lining research decision tree learning
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The complexity of TinyHorse’s product line for walking multiple dogs can be intimidating for first-time customers. Use your 80 hours to research and create an online tool for how to improve the decision-making process for customers. Perhaps the answer is a decision tree, a curated navigational flow of the website or a questionnaire that generates the answers customers need?

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The successful candidate(s) will go through the following steps:

  1. Research decision-making tools. Present your findings and decide with our company founder which option to pursue. The option should be one that is reasonable to accomplish in the 80 hours of the project.
  2. Develop the tool and trial it in a test group appointed by TinyHorse. Make necessary changes based on feedback.
  3. Launch the tool!

The goal of the project is to provide a fully-function decision-making tool that leads potential customers through our product line and helps them select the most appropriate gear for walking their dogs.

About the company

TinyHorse products enhance your experience of managing multiple dogs on leash by offering high-quality, versatile tools that reduce the physical and emotional strain of the task. Endlessly reconfigure these tools to address the changing needs within your group, whether you offer dog walking services or are a dog lover who lives in a multi-dog home.

We are the professional tool of choice for dog-care professionals all over the world, and seek not to just sell products but to also support and care for the community we serve.

We are working towards expanding our team to manage the steady growth of our company.