Motorsports Fundraising WebApp - AWS Cloud A-I / ML / Lambda / Dynamo DB

CMXi Corp
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jimmy Mac
CEO Founder CMXi Corp
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Product or service launch Website development Information technology Machine learning Artificial intelligence
amazon api gateway amazon dynamodb microsoft teams serverless computing payment processing wireframing python (programming language) instant messaging prototyping virtual teams
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Exciting opportunity for comp science student/team to get ( rare ) hands on experience in AWS Cloud Solutions creating a motorsports fundraising WebApp alongside AWS top experts in cloud solutions development using the most advanced tools available. ** Excellent for any students resume.

The primary focus will be:

  • RacerX sole purpose is to provide unique services that generate money for racers and teams. Our Fundraising WebApp helps racers to generate money to pay expenses of motorsports thru fundraising & sponsorships.
  • Students will Replicate Square's non-profit fundraising app functionality and customize it for motorsports racers and teams..
  • Our goal is to create a simple web app using AWS cloud tools / Python / Dynamo DB and SAM / Serverless
  • WebApp will integrate with an autoresponder and or SMS text solution to solicit donations from friends family and sponsors thru instant messaging and social media. It's a simple app with 2-3 integrations using AWS API gateway open source. ( email - text - payment processor. )
  • Objective an app that any racer / team anywhere can create a fundraiser campaign instantly and launch it directly from the RacerX app.

Students will apply skills in research, wireframing, design, coding and testing a simple Fundraising App For Motorsports Racers from Go Karts to NASCAR, Superbikes to eScooters.

Project tasks include:

  • Hold discovery / kickoff meeting to understand needs and update a project scope.
  • Conduct user testing to understand and optimize existing design challenges.
  • Applying design thinking theory and practices in creating a prototype.
  • Project Statement
  • Design Brief / User Research Plan
  • Create User Stories or StoryBoard
  • Concepts Review
  • Testing / Prototyping Report
  • We will help create a statement of work (SOW) and basic project plan
  • We guide students to 1-2 successful fundraising solutions used today to shorten research
  • duties the student may complete could include:
  • Software research, evaluation, email integration, customization development.
  • Design, coding and testing

We communicate with virtual teams using - MS Teams, Zoom, Once Weekly for 30-60 Minutes

About the company

CMXi is an eCommerce Company based in Toronto / St Pete FL. Our Mission is to help students thru experiential learning to obtain careers in our 100% Virtual Company. Join our team of A Players today.