Video, Images or Animation Clip Editor/Designer

Canadian Contractor Services
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Design & creative Digital marketing Lead generation Social media marketing Media Visual arts
target audience customer engagement interpersonal communications brand awareness adobe after effects communication storyboarding record keeping video editing computer animation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main objective of the project is to create compelling video, images and animation content for a small business's marketing campaign. The problem students will be solving is how to effectively communicate the message and values of the business through engaging visual content.

By the end of the project, students are expected to achieve several outcomes:

  1. Create Engaging Content: Students will have to craft videos and animations that capture the attention of the target audience and effectively convey the business's message.
  2. Enhance Brand Awareness: Through their creations, students will help increase the visibility and recognition of the small business within its target market.
  3. Drive Engagement and Conversion: The videos and animations should be designed to encourage viewer interaction and ultimately lead to increased customer engagement and conversion rates.
  4. Showcase Creativity and Technical Skills: Students will demonstrate their creativity and proficiency in using video editing and animation software to produce high-quality content.
  5. Meet Client Expectations: The final outcome should meet or exceed the expectations of the small business client, helping them achieve their marketing goals effectively.
  6. Gain Practical Experience: Students will already have hands-on experience in a real-world marketing project, learning how to apply their skills and knowledge in a professional setting.
  7. Depending on Student input:  Students will have the opportunity to assist in project outcomes depending on their specialty knowledge to better facilitate the completion of projects

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  1. Understanding the Client's Needs:

Conduct meetings or discussions with the small business client to understand their goals, target audience, brand identity, and desired message. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, ability to consistently reach out to the team leader.  If you have trouble staying in touch throughout a project, can’t produce work as we go and turn in last minute milestones;  WE WON’T BE A GOOD FIT!!! 

  1. Concept Development:
  • Brainstorm ideas for video and animation concepts that align with the client's objectives and resonate with their target audience.
  1. Storyboarding:
  • Create visual storyboards outlining the sequence of scenes, transitions, and key elements for each video or animation concept.
  1. Content Creation:
  • Produce video and animation content according to the approved storyboards, utilizing design tools such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, or similar software.
  1. Scriptwriting (if applicable):
  • Write scripts for any voiceovers or on-screen text to accompany the visuals, ensuring clarity and alignment with the client's messaging.
  1. Graphic Design:
  • Design graphics, logos, and other visual elements that will be incorporated into the videos or animations to enhance branding and aesthetics.
  1. Animation and Editing:
  • Animate characters, objects, and text as per the storyboard, and edit video footage to ensure smooth transitions, proper pacing, and overall visual appeal.
  1. Review and Feedback:
  • Share draft versions of the content with the client for feedback and incorporate any requested revisions or changes.
  1. Finalization:
  • Once revisions are completed and approved, finalize the videos and animations for delivery.
  1. Delivery and Implementation:
  • Deliver the finished video and animation files to the client in the required format(s) for their marketing channels, such as social media, website, or email campaigns.
  1. Documentation:
  • Keep records of the project progress, including meeting notes, feedback received, and final deliverables, for future reference or analysis.
  1. Reflection and Learning:
  • Reflect on the project's successes and challenges, identifying lessons learned and areas for improvement in future projects.

By completing these activities effectively, students will be able to achieve the project goal of creating engaging video and animation content for the small business's marketing project.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Let's delve into the realm of data access, shall we? We've got a swanky Google Drive set up, housing all the juicy details about our company, project mandates, and even some top-secret project-related data tucked away in a series of folders.


Now, there's this gem of a folder titled "ON BOARDING NEW HIRES." It's like a treasure trove of info waiting to be discovered. Just let us know you're interested in the project, and faster than you can say "data access," a link to that folder will zip into your inbox. Trust me, it's like Christmas morning, but with project details instead of presents.


But wait, there's more! Our Drive is organized with military precision to house all the essential project info in various folders. It's like Marie Kondo came and blessed it with her tidying magic.


Oh, and have you met Riipen? It's like our virtual water cooler, where most of our chats happen. Think of it as our online clubhouse, but with more terms and conditions. So, brush up on those rules, and let's keep the party within the lines, folks.


For those face-to-face moments (well, screen-to-screen, really), we've got text and online conference call software ready to roll. And guess what? We've even got a shared calendar where we can all play Tetris with our schedules to lock down those all-important meetings.


Now, if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by file compression, fear not! We've got options. We can MacGyver it right here in the office using our trusty PCs and servers. Who needs fancy software anyway, right?


This project? It's a team sport, my friend. So, don't be shy about voicing your needs. We're in this together, tackling challenges like a well-oiled machine. I'm a stickler for details and organization, and I expect nothing less from my squad. But hey, you're here to save the day with your skills, and I'm here to make sure you've got all the backup you need. Let's make magic happen!

Supported causes
Decent work and economic growth
About the company

Our organization has a compelling vision to contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Canadian construction sector.

Mission Statement: Canadian Contractor Services is dedicated to providing unparalleled construction and contracting services, emphasizing quality, innovation, and client satisfaction.

Our mission is to be a trusted partner in building and renovating homes and commercial spaces, leveraging our expertise to exceed industry standards and contribute to the overall advancement of the Canadian construction landscape.


1. Quality Construction:
• We are committed to delivering construction projects of the highest quality, adhering to rigorous standards and best practices.
2. Innovation and Sustainability:
• We strive to incorporate innovative and sustainable practices into our projects, contributing to environmental stewardship and energy efficiency.
3. Client-Centric Approach:
• Our mandate includes a strong focus on understanding and exceeding client expectations, fostering lasting relationships built on trust and transparency.
4. Workforce Development:
• Canadian Contractor Services is dedicated to investing in the development of our workforce, ensuring a skilled and proficient team capable of meeting the evolving needs of the construction industry.
5. Community Engagement:
• We actively engage with local communities, contributing to their economic development and well-being through responsible construction practices and community outreach initiatives.
As a responsible and forward-thinking entity, Canadian Contractor Services seeks to align its mission and mandate with the objectives and priorities of the Canadian government. We believe that our commitment to excellence, innovation, and community engagement closely aligns with the broader goals of fostering economic growth, sustainable development, and the overall well-being of Canadian citizens.

We welcome the opportunity to further discuss how Canadian Contractor Services can contribute to and collaborate with government initiatives aimed at advancing the construction sector and ensuring the prosperity of our communities.

Thank you for considering our mission and mandate. We look forward to the possibility of working collaboratively to achieve shared objectives.