Project Manager Assistant

Your Transformed Family
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Operations Project management Product or service launch Marketing strategy
coaching project management project schedules taking meeting minutes
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking for students to play a role as the team’s project manager.

  • Students in this position will take meeting minutes and be responsible for managing the project schedule, ensuring deliverables are met on time.
  • Students will help facilitate team meetings
  • The student will play a key role in helping the project manager create a more efficient work process.

The final project deliverable will be courses and group coaching program.

About the company

Hi! I’m Jenn and I’m the founder of Your Transformed Family. I’m also the mom of 2 boys, ages 10 & 8. I have over 10 years of experience and training and a graduate of the world’s leading institute for parent coaching, The Jai Institute. As a certified parent coach, I guide families around the world to end the frustration, guilt and chaos and find more peace, calm and connection in their parenting.