SEO and Social Media Strategy

Your Transformed Family
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Market research Sales strategy Marketing strategy
coaching social media content tiktok social media strategy social media marketing search engine optimization digital marketing squarespace
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Number of students required to work in team: (Example: 2 teams of 3 students)

Our team is looking for a social media marketing wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning as well as grow on following on key social channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok). The primary project requirements include:

We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve:

  • Growth in awareness for Your Transformed Family offering as well as lead funnel for coaching programs

This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  1. Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to Your Transformed Family
  2. A strategy document to outline:
  • Identification of most relevant keywords for Your Transformed Family
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements to ensure Your Transformed Family appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords
  • Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share
  1. Content Calendar Execution: Timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site
  2. Creating engaging content for prominent media websites
  3. Working with tools and programs such as Mailerlite, Squarespace, Facebook Business Suite, LinkedIn & TikTok
About the company

Hi! I’m Jenn and I’m the founder of Your Transformed Family. I’m also the mom of 2 boys, ages 10 & 8. I have over 10 years of experience and training and a graduate of the world’s leading institute for parent coaching, The Jai Institute. As a certified parent coach, I guide families around the world to end the frustration, guilt and chaos and find more peace, calm and connection in their parenting.