Business Organization, Governance & M&A Project

F8th Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Workplace culture Organizational structure Security (cybersecurity and IT security) Workplace health/wellness
security technology business studies management research corporate laws governance
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal of the project will be to determine the steps required to set up a mirror USA (Delaware) company of a Canadian (Federally incorporated) company. As well, provide academic analysis with respect to the same.

Knowledge of American and Canadian Corporate Law, Business Organizations(Incorporation), Tax(Cross-border).

Background and experience in M&A, start-up companies, information security, technology, Silicon Valley culture, legal framework of Canadian parent companies/subsidiaries operating in the United States, is valued, but not required.

Overall, students should be familiar with the Canadian and American legal system(s).

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

A group of law students, paralegals or students having expertise or knowledge in legal concepts, business studies, organizational management, will be required to research and draft a report/legal memo with research findings.

The report/legal memo will outline required implementation steps/activities to establish a mirror company, or equivalent of a Canadian company in the United States.

The company is looking for the opportunity to create a mirror company into the Delaware state.

1. A few sessions to have a deep understanding of the organization history and goals.

2. Study and investigate the opportunity and list the pros and cons (Google Doc).

3. Evaluate the steps to complete in order to achieve this action.

4. Outline the time, resource and scope necessary for the project (Google Doc).

5. Create a summary with advice regarding the recommended decision (Google Doc).

How will you support learners in completing the project?

A team of at least 2-20 people will be required for this project. All project members will be part of an automated communication vehicle, such as Zoom. There will be regular virtual communication, work review and deliverable meetings. The project team members will receive support and will work closely with the Chief Legal Officer and Co-Founder.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Banking & finance, It & computing, Technology, Business & management

F8th’s mission is to provide solutions to organizations against the latest cyber threats, enforce user privacy and corporate data security, and mitigate the massive damages and losses caused by data breaches.

F8th’s behavioural biometric analysis (BBA) works by analyzing mouse, keyboard and touchscreen movements to discern the unique identity of the user. Unlike conventional two-step authentication systems, F8th uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to analyze 100s of these inputs in real time to identify an authorized user vs a fraudster. Moreover, F8th passively protects the customer and corporate data by continuously authenticating users through their human behaviors. Unlike every other tracker, F8th uses data that websites need to provide services, hence it is not impacted by browser tracker blockers, and is completely compliant with the new data privacy regulations.