Website Improvement for Sahoo Investments

Sahoo Investments
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Raghav Sahoo
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience or paid work
Design & creative Website development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to enhance the user experience and functionality of the Sahoo Investments website. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

- Conducting a thorough analysis of the current website to identify areas for improvement.

- Developing a plan to update the website's design and layout to make it more user-friendly and visually appealing.

- Implementing new features and functionalities to enhance the overall user experience.

- Testing the updated website to ensure it is functioning properly and addressing any issues that arise.

- Creating a strategy for ongoing maintenance and updates to keep the website current and relevant.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should complete the following tasks:

- Analysis of the current website and a report outlining areas for improvement.

- Updated website design and layout plan.

- Implementation of new features and functionalities.

- Testing documentation and resolution of any issues.

- Maintenance and update strategy for the website.

Final deliverables:

- A fully updated and improved Sahoo Investments website.

- Documentation of the update process and maintenance strategy.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Supporting learners through their project involves a multi-faceted approach, focusing on providing comprehensive resources, direct guidance, and access to necessary tools and technology.

1. Staff Time:

- **Dedicated Mentorship: Assigning mentors or instructors who can provide personalized guidance, answer questions, and offer feedback on project work. This could include scheduled one-on-one sessions and regular check-ins to monitor progress.

- Expert Sessions: Organizing workshops or guest lectures by experts in relevant fields to provide deeper insights into specific areas of the project, offering learners the opportunity to learn from professionals' experiences and ask questions.

2. Access to Tools and Technology:

- Software and Platforms: Ensuring learners have free or discounted access to essential software, online platforms, and development tools necessary for their projects. This might include design software, programming IDEs, or data analysis tools.

- Hardware Support: Providing access to any required hardware, such as computers with necessary specifications, tablets for design projects, or specialized equipment for engineering tasks.

About the company

Provide real estate consultation for family's and individuals in the GTA