F8th Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Marketing strategy Media Visual arts
cyber security brand management customer data management corporate data management managed services creativity software as a service (saas)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

F8th Inc. is a cyber security company. Our product is a Behaviour based Biometric Analysis SaaS tool. We sell this to systems integrators, existing cyber security managed service providers and other IT intermediary companies who work directly with clients such as Facebook, Lyft, Etsy, Scotiabank, Meridian Credit Union, the Canadian Revenue Agency.

We have two kinds of ultimate clients:

(1) Consumer companies who require their users / customers to log-in and who hold sensitive customer data e.g. banks, online stores, government services

(2) Corporate companies who want to manage their employee computer/data user and keep their corporate data safe e.g. almost any company, although our target clients are larger corporations and governmental agencies.


We would like a set of 50 unique icons depicting various aspects of cyber security and behavioural biometrics.

We will provide you with background information on cyber security and behavioural biometrics and how our service is unique but we are looking for your creativity to create icons that are unique and unlike the common ones found all over the internet for cyber security. We will also provide you with our brand guidelines (although these are still under development).

As a designer, we expect you are familiar with the best formats for icons i.e. vector images etc.


How will you support learners in completing the project?

Students will be supervised and mentored by the company's Chief Marketing Officer who has +20 years of marketing experience. She is a fullstack marketer with an expertise in building winning brands, campaigns and teams. Her past clients/employers include: Apple, Best Buy, Gartner, Microsoft, Paypal, RBC, Viagra.

About the company
  • https://www.f8th.ai/
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Banking & finance, It & computing, Technology, Business & management

F8th’s mission is to provide solutions to organizations against the latest cyber threats, enforce user privacy and corporate data security, and mitigate the massive damages and losses caused by data breaches.

F8th’s behavioural biometric analysis (BBA) works by analyzing mouse, keyboard and touchscreen movements to discern the unique identity of the user. Unlike conventional two-step authentication systems, F8th uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to analyze 100s of these inputs in real time to identify an authorized user vs a fraudster. Moreover, F8th passively protects the customer and corporate data by continuously authenticating users through their human behaviors. Unlike every other tracker, F8th uses data that websites need to provide services, hence it is not impacted by browser tracker blockers, and is completely compliant with the new data privacy regulations.