Prompt Engineer

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Artificial intelligence
prompt engineering image generation generative artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms artificial intelligence
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our AI image generation company for ecommerce is seeking a talented and experienced Prompt Engineer to join our team. As a Prompt Engineer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing prompt strategies for our image generation models, ensuring that our models produce high-quality and relevant images in a timely manner. You will work closely with our AI research and development teams to identify areas for improvement in the image generation process and develop solutions to optimize and enhance our models.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

• Design, implement and optimize prompt strategies for our AI image generation models

• Collaborate with AI research and development teams to identify areas for improvement in image generation process and develop solutions

• Develop and implement machine learning algorithms to improve prompt quality and relevance

• Design and implement tests to evaluate prompt effectiveness and ensure high-quality image generation

• Monitor and analyze prompt generation results to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization

• Work closely with product and engineering teams to integrate prompt strategies into our ecommerce platform

• Continuously stay up-to-date with industry developments and best practices in AI image generation and prompt engineering

How will you support learners in completing the project?
  1. Provide mentorship: Work directly with the CEO and CTO to provide mentorship, with regular check-ins
  2. Access to resources: Provide students with access to necessary resources such as software, data sets, and literature. This will help students in completing their project in a timely and efficient manner.
  3. Peer support: Encourage students to work with others in our team
  4. Clear communication: Maintain clear communication with students throughout the project, providing regular updates and answering any questions they may have. This will help students stay on track and feel supported throughout the project.
About the company

Ecomtent is the fast growing venture-backed startup, building superhuman AI to automate listing across ecommerce channels with AI-generated content. We are funded by Techstars+eBay.

Take the first step in your career by building category defining SaaS solution.

This is an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the future of Generative AI technology and reshape how ecommerce industry sell, market and advertise the products online.