SR&ED Tax Credit

F8th Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
No categories selected
scientific studies administrative functions communication authentications artificial intelligence statistical hypothesis testing accounting innovation zoom (video conferencing tool) tax credits
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?


F8th Inc. is developing a groundbreaking software-based solution for secure authentication of individuals based on artificial intelligence. The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program uses tax incentives to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada. As a startup providing a security solution, F8th needs to make use of different tax incentives in order to encourage innovation, technological advancements, and the pursuit of scientific and technological knowledge within the company.


Group of students will work at the company on the following tasks:

  1. Prepare a document explaining their approach to claiming the SR&ED program after gathering enough information from SR&ED website:
  2. Draft a project that follows the eligibility below:

Scientific or Technological Uncertainty:

Project work must show that technological uncertainties existed from the onset of the project that could not be easily resolved with available industry knowledge.

Questions to ask yourself include: What challenges did we foresee at the beginning of this project? Could these challenges be easily resolved with known methods?

Scientific or Technological Advancement:

Each project, whether successful or unsuccessful, must show an advancement in the industry, that is, new knowledge has been gained.

Questions to ask yourself: What did we learn as a company through this project? Can we now apply this knowledge to other ideas/projects?

Systematic Investigation:

Project work must demonstrate a systematic investigative process i.e., a step-by-step methodology in hypothesis, testing and analysis.

  1. Claiming the SR&ED tax credit by claiming all salaries of the employees in the past 1-2 years which requires a strong accounting team to do so
  2. Daily administrative tasks, reporting and communication with the relevant departments in the organization to understand the company’s technology better in order to draft a project. This will involve meetings with the Development manager and the CCO of the company.


Access to the following will be provided to the students working on the project:

  1. Zoom meetings and access to the company’s code (as required)
  2. Constant interaction between the development manager and the student
  3. Time-sheet in order to record time spent on tasks


At the end of the project, the student and the company will discuss details on the following:

  1. Confidential Information- what can be spoken about and what not?
  2. What was the outcome of the project? What difficulties did the student face?
How will you support learners in completing the project?


About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Banking & finance, It & computing, Technology, Business & management

F8th’s mission is to provide solutions to organizations against the latest cyber threats, enforce user privacy and corporate data security, and mitigate the massive damages and losses caused by data breaches.

F8th’s behavioural biometric analysis (BBA) works by analyzing mouse, keyboard and touchscreen movements to discern the unique identity of the user. Unlike conventional two-step authentication systems, F8th uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to analyze 100s of these inputs in real time to identify an authorized user vs a fraudster. Moreover, F8th passively protects the customer and corporate data by continuously authenticating users through their human behaviors. Unlike every other tracker, F8th uses data that websites need to provide services, hence it is not impacted by browser tracker blockers, and is completely compliant with the new data privacy regulations.