User Case Study Creation

Bronx County, New York, United States
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
sales prospecting content creation newsletters sales customer relationship management
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking to have students interview up to 5 pre-identified customers, in order to put together content pieces describing those customers' experience with our company.

We will provide the customer contact information, and will obtain their consent to participate. Students will be responsible for:

  • Interview scheduling
  • Developing the list of questions, with our input
  • Conducting the interviews (virtually) with customers
  • Writing the case study content
  • Presenting the case studies in a PDF document that uses our branding
  • Following up with the customers to share the final case studies and thank them for their participation

Case studies should be no longer than 1 page each.

Our objective is to create content that highlights positive customer experiences with our organization, which can be used for multiple purposes.

Possible uses for the content:

  1. Shared with prospects in the sales process
  2. Published to our blog
  3. Downloadable collateral for customers through our CRM platform
  4. Included in our newsletter in full or in part
About the company

BronXchange empowers small businesses by developing the ecosystem of support to provide small businesses the resources and access they need to grow and prosper.