Film Development Research

Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Videography Market research Environmental sustainability Creative writing
media coverage scientific literature creative writing research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Who We Are

One of Canada's leading documentary film and television companies.

Our Current Challenge

Finding research and story support for the development of an upcoming feature documentary film that will explore environmental subject matter. The support would involve open-source story and location research, creative writing, and conducting background pre-interviews with subject experts and possible participants.

Our Desired Outcome

A comprehensive research package that can support producers in identifying potential storylines and participants for the film.

Student Day-to-Day Tasks Could Include:

  • Scouring existing media coverage, books, and scientific literature to identify interesting stories and concepts
  • Creating in-depth research documents on subjects relevant to the film
  • Creating participant casting sheets
  • Researching and compiling potential locations for filming
How will you support learners in completing the project?

We'll provide mentorship on an as-needed basis.

About the company

90th Parallel Productions is an independent film and television production company based in Toronto. Since 1987, 90th Parallel has distinguished itself by pushing boundaries, opening minds, and telling stories that matter to audiences around the world.