B2B Sales Strategy for Local Impact

Kelly Emery
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Product or service launch Marketing strategy
sales strategy corporate social responsibility business to business
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Troop offers a new kind of corporate social responsibility program for businesses. Troop features local, tangible needs from registered charities and non-profits. Neighbours are using Troop to discovery how they can support community members in a very tangible way. Troop is offering this service to businesses to help companies engage employees and create local impact.

When a company signs up for Troop, employees are sent a curated list of local needs, employees get to vote on which need their business fulfills. At the end of the month, they receive a report summarizing their local impact. This can be shared with staff, future employees and customers.

Troop is looking for a sales strategy to onboard new business partners.

About the company
  • https://hitroop.com
  • Technology, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Hospital, health, wellness & medical

Troop does social impact differently. 💛 Our #TechForGood tool brings together needs from local charities to help businesses create a CSR program with tangible impact. Every month, employees have the power to choose the causes their company supports. If you're looking for a way to bring your team together and to do some social good, Troop can get you started - fast.