Software Development • Project Manager, Back-End, Front-End, UX/UI (GROUP 2)

ABC Academy of Music
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Barnaby Kerekes
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Computer science & IT UI design UX design Project management Software development
templating rabbitmq project management agile methodology java (programming language) accountability cloud9 (software) user experience (ux) sprint planning amazon web services
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Pending approvals by LevelUp, this project will be duplicated for the accepted candidates, in two-week for the candidates from the last week of July 2024 through the third (possibly 4th) week of July 2024.

The project is expected to last for 8-9 weeks at 30 hours per week pending Riipen LevelUp approvals.

The main goal for the project is to advance the nascent Hinna functionality under ongoing Hinna software development project for ABC Academy of Music, which has been providing Music Classes and Lessons to students of all ages since 2003.

The project may include some or all areas of the expanding body of work:

  • Calendar & Scheduling
  • User Profiles & Login
  • Service & Billing Designer
  • Connecting to External Payment Processors
  • Building Settings

Over Summer 2024, the project will utilize 2 groups to advance the work:

Group 1:

•Project Manager*




•Front-End Developer

Group 2:

•Back-End Developer

•Back-End Developer

•Back-End Developer

•Back-End Developer

•Front-End Developer

*The Project Manager will oversee both teams.

Note that teams that function well may be further extended pending interest on the part of the candidates and ABC Academy pending Riipen LevelUp approval. We want to continue working with great people!

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The tasks that learners need to complete to achieve the project goal include:

- Developing the back-end software including research, ER Diagramming, and coding

- Advancing timelines and ensuring accountability to deadline-based deliverables

- Coordinating with ABC Academy of Music to understand specific software development needs and requirements

- Developing and implementing a software solution that meets the needs of ABC Academy of Music

Candidates should be at a functional or high level of competency with:

  • AWS Hosting (incl. Cloud9 IDE, if needed)
  • Java Backend
  • SpringBoot Framework
  • -Rabbit MQ Library
  • Thymeleaf Templating Engine
  • htmx Frontend

Candidates should be at a competent or high level of familiarity Agile methodology and work/sprint planning and execution, as this is fundamental to advancing our work across multiple teams.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

The product owner will be available for regular meetings and discussion. We expect to have a project managers that will have more granular focus on Sprint and Ticket planning. In the absence of project managers, the product owner will fulfill this role and be actively available for regular planning and retrospective work.

About the company

ABC Academy of Music has been providing Music Classes and Lessons to students of all ages since 2003. In addition to operating in the B2C space for families and individual students, ABC operates B2B services for schools and daycares.