
Glendon offre une formation universitaire unique au Canada – et au-delà de nos frontières – de par ses programmes d’études de qualité, l’expérience offerte sur son campus et son engagement envers le bilinguisme.


Recent experiences

Stages virtuels pour étudiants bilingues

GL/FSL 2200 3.0

Jan 3, 2021 - Apr 18, 2021

Êtes-vous une entreprise/organisation/ université francophone? Souhaitez-vous étendre vos services à une clientèle anglophone?Bénéficiez des compétences de l’un des étudiants bilingues (FR/EN), voire même plurilingues, du Collège Glendon de l’Université York! Nous sommes présentement à la recherche d’organisations francophones ou bilingues recherchant de jeunes talents pour travailler sur des projets variés (ex: communication, administration, éducation, etc.).Les étudiants sont disponibles pour des projets d’une durée de 50 heures, s’échelonnant sur une période de 12 semaines à la session d’hiver (soit de janvier à mars 2021).Ce stage a pour but de permettre aux étudiants de contribuer à la mission et aux services offerts par l'entreprise d'accueil tout en leur permettant de mieux connaître la culture francophone et de perfectionner davantage leur français.

Admin Sabrina Sirois
Matches 0

Virtual Internship in Business Economics

GL/BUEC 4500 3.0

Jan 4, 2021 - Apr 17, 2021

Our resourceful and motivated students are seeking virtual internship opportunities to apply their economics expertise in a concrete professional experience. This is a great opportunity for them to develop valuable competencies and gain professional experience, while providing a fresh perspective to employers.General requirements:- Students are expected to complete a minimum of 100 hours over a 12-weeks period (approximatively one day per week).- The virtual internship experience must provide organizational experience and contribute to the student's knowledge base in Economics, Business Economics or Administration.

Admin Sabrina Sirois
Matches 0
Category Market research + 3

Virtual Internships with Experienced Bilingual Business Professionals (October/November)


Dec 1, 2020 - Dec 2, 2020

Benefit from the skills and experience of one of our bilingual (FR/ENG) business students at the Glendon Campus of York University! We are currently inviting organizations with exceptional reputations seeking bilingual talent for roles in business, finance, administration, human resources, marketing and project management to host experienced, internationally educated, Glendon-trained professionals for a paid or unpaid virtual internship. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.Students are available for 144 hours of placement (4 weeks full-time or 8 weeks part-time). These virtual student placement opportunities are for October/November 2020.Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will only occur virtually.

Admin Fabienne Breton
Matches 1
Category Marketing strategy + 3

Virtual Internships with Experienced Bilingual Business Professionals (August/September)


Aug 3, 2020 - Sep 8, 2020

Benefit from the skills and experience of one of our bilingual (FR/ENG) business students at the Glendon Campus of York University! We are currently inviting organizations with exceptional reputations seeking bilingual talent for roles in business, finance, administration, human resources, marketing and project management to host experienced, internationally educated, Glendon-trained professionals for a paid or unpaid virtual internship. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.Students are available for 144 hours of placement (4 weeks full-time or 8 weeks part-time). These virtual student placement opportunities are for August/September 2020.Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will only occur virtually.

Admin Dina Meghdadi
Matches 0
Category Marketing strategy + 3