Athabasca University Faculty of Business
Athabasca University Faculty of Business
Athabasca University Faculty of Business
Athabasca University
Portal website
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We offer online business courses in a wide variety of areas—from accounting to marketing, economics to management science. We also offer several Indigenous-focused courses developed in consultation with the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Alberta.

Certifications and professional designations. Athabasca University business courses are recognized by many professional associations. Complete your professional designation or fulfill a training requirement through our online offerings. We also offer the courses needed to earn several designations start to finish (other requirements may apply). Take only the courses you need or complete them as part of a degree program.

Celebrating 25 years as the world's first online MBA
Do you remember dial-up internet in 1994? That's when Athabasca University’s Faculty of Business launched the world’s first online MBA program.

Today, it seems like a no-brainer. But back then, AU completely disrupted the traditional bricks-and-mortar delivery model by enabling working professionals to take their careers to the next level without having to take a leave from their job or being forced to move.

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