Synthetic Biology Applications

Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
SynBioApps Program Manager
  • 20 learners; teams of 5
  • 20 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 4 projects wanted
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Agriculture, Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Environment, Mining, forestry & fishery
General Data analysis Product or service launch
design thinking business strategy
Project timeline
  • September 29, 2020
    Experience start
  • October 1, 2020
    Project Meeting 1: The Initial Plan
  • October 20, 2020
    Project Meeting 2: Presentation of Draft Report
  • April 10, 2021
    Experience end

Graduate students in the SynBioApps program learn to use modelling, microfluidics and DNA synthesis tools including automated equipment at Concordia University's Genome Foundry. Students will work in groups of 4-5 to design or elaborate a synthetic biology solution to a goal that your company would like to implement. Using computer modelling and simulation, student teams will design a protocol for a biological construct to produce a molecule or platform that responds to your challenge.

Learner skills
Design thinking, Business strategy

Using synthetic biology tools, students will develop a detailed plan to provide a solution to an industry-led challenge. This will include an iterated model or biological construct that answers a need within the framework provided by an industrial partner (e.g. organism type or regulatory considerations).

Project Examples

Synthetic biology has a wide range of applications and can be used to create sustainable materials or efficient chemical production sources using engineered biological organisms. Sector applications include: pharmacological molecule production; diagnostics or therapeutics in health; biomass conversion; agriculture; metabolic modeling and engineering; sustainable production of industrial chemicals or molecules (or their precursors).

Applied projects to date:

  1. Biofabrics materials development
  2. Engineering bacterial probiotics for inflammation
  3. Developing materials precursors using yeast
  4. Diagnostics for human health/medicine


  • Bioinformatics; Modelling and simulation
  • DNA Synthesis: MoClo Assembly, CRISPR-Cas9
  • Microfluidics devices

Note: A second semester course will expand the project, introducing higher-level business and industry needs to the projects. These include considerations of stakeholders, IP and patents, business plans, etc. Project company/mentors may be asked to give their input and feedback during the winter semester as well (January-April), to ensure that students understand the regulatory and financial frameworks in which R&D and product development are done.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.