Be One to Give Inc
Be One to Give Inc
Be One to Give Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Number of employees
2 - 10 employees

Be One to Give is an on-demand B2B delivery app for food business operators along the supply chain. We operate like UberEats however we provide food business operators with the tools to eliminate avoidable food waste in their daily operations. We do this by leveraging data-driven technology and streamlined logistics to redistribute surplus food to food insecure communities across Canada.

Environment Technology

Recent projects

Digital Marketing Strategy

We want students to help us develop a digital marketing strategy to grow and engage our target market. We’d like to know how we can maximize different channels and what will work best for us.The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following:How should we promote our company?What social media channels should we utilize?What budget is appropriate for advertising?What messaging should we use?

Admin Tony Colley
Matches 1
Category Sales strategy + 4

Website Development

We hope to update and revamp our existing website to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through common site building tools such as Wix, Webflow, and WordPress and will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages.Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable.Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content.Providing training on updating and maintaining the website.

Admin Tony Colley
Matches 1
Category Website development + 2

Sales Process Optimization

Our company is hoping to improve our sales process to improve our ROI and overall operations. In this project, students will evaluate our current sales process, determine bottlenecks, and create recommendations as well as new training materials. Based on research and best practices you will develop new scripts for our sales staff to use to improve the quality and quantity of leads generated and increase the conversion rate.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Evaluating our current sales process by speaking with sales representatives and examining our handbook and protocols.Researching industry sales processes and lead generation strategies.Create recommendations that will improve our leads and conversion rate.Writing new sales scripts for both phone calls and emails.Creating an updated sales process handbook.

Admin Tony Colley
Matches 1
Category Sales strategy + 4

Mobile App and Website UI / UX Design

Our company would like to explore designing UI for a new hybrid app, two existing native apps and a redesign of our websiteTasks may include: Conducting background research on our existing application Identifying key areas of our current products and how they can be redesigned.Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students know how to use Figma.Creation of a screen by screen UI prototype of a native and hybrid mobile application which can be used on both iOS and Android

Admin Tony Colley
Matches 0
Category Mobile app development + 3

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