Partial Gallery
Partial Gallery
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Unknown website

Partial is a platform and marketplace for artists and art-seekers to connect and engage in genuine, accessible interactions. Thanks to smart try-before-you-buy options, original work by local artists are just around the corner. Smart pricing options open opportunities with new art buyers. Gain additional visibility to your art. Get support and advice from our team of experts.

Arts Retail Technology

Recent projects

Online startup platform entering international markets

Partial Gallery is a Toronto-based startup in the unique space of fine art online. Our goal is start building on our momentum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and expand into the U.S., U.K. and Korea (in progress).Outlining how to enter an international market (including identification of key risks, estimated costs, and launch strategies).Providing tactical or operational recommendations for a defined market entry/expansion strategy (i.e. hiring/management strategies, cultural norms, and laws/regulations)Identifying potential international partners for international expansion, and providing a brief strategic overview).

Admin Tammy Yiu
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2

Online startup platform entering international markets

Partial Gallery is a Toronto-based startup in the unique space of fine art online. Our goal is start building on our momentum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and expand into the U.S., U.K. and Korea (in progress).Outlining how to enter an international market (including identification of key risks, estimated costs, and launch strategies).Providing tactical or operational recommendations for a defined market entry/expansion strategy (i.e. hiring/management strategies, cultural norms, and laws/regulations)Identifying potential international partners for international expansion, and providing a brief strategic overview).

Admin Tammy Yiu
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2

Online startup platform entering international markets

Partial Gallery is a Toronto-based startup in the unique space of fine art online. Our goal is start building on our momentum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and expand into the U.S., U.K. and Korea (in progress).Outlining how to enter an international market (including identification of key risks, estimated costs, and launch strategies).Providing tactical or operational recommendations for a defined market entry/expansion strategy (i.e. hiring/management strategies, cultural norms, and laws/regulations)Identifying potential international partners for international expansion, and providing a brief strategic overview).

Admin Tammy Yiu
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2

Attracting Artists & Art-seekers through social media

In a world of endless scrolling, develop a compelling social media to attract quality artists to apply to join Partial, and another campaign to catch the attention of the art-curious. How do these campaigns vary from platform to platform, and how can we initiate engagement on the website?Check out our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Get familiar with our social media strategy and our brand. Think of examples of what types of posts YOU would do if you were our social media coordinator. Submit 2-4 example posts on the platform of your choice. Be creative, there are no wrong answers.Bonus Points for actually posting from your own social media accounts, tagging us, and using the hashtag #makeartmoveart.

Admin Tammy Yiu
Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3

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