Ácara Crowdfarming
Ácara Crowdfarming
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

ÁCARA – Investing in tomorrows’ agriculture Bring climate finance to farmers and finance their sustainable transition.

Market research Operations Competitive analysis Market expansion Grant writing
Agriculture Technology

Recent projects

Digital Content Creation

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our social media and email marketing content to attract more customers.We would like students to help us create content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, marketing goals and target market.Researching factors affecting the quality of digital content.Recommending changes to existing digital content and designing new social media posts and emails.Recommending and designing new digital content not already used by our company.

Admin Virgil Sammartin
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 3

Financial Business Plan

We are excited to be launching a new business, With any launch, having a financial plan is one of the keys to success, and we would like to involve students in creating one for our new venture.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Learning about our business strategy from various employees to become familiar with our goals, mission, and products.Creating forecasts using Excel (or another financial software) for sales in the first year of operation as well as an income projection (conservative and aggressive).Conducting a break-even analysis timeline using financial projections.Reporting on projected assets and liabilities.Including visual comparisons such as graphs and charts to show the differences between the conservative and aggressive income projection.If you are a self-motivated individual with excellent analytical skills and a passion for finance, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.

Admin Auky Gonzales-Gysin
Matches 0
Category Financial modeling + 2

Market Research - Customer Segmentation Analysis

In this project, we hope to gain insight into customer segments and patterns by analyzing market data on buying behaviors. This will help us enhance and refocus our marketing efforts by being able to identify the needs of each segment, reach them most effectively, and address any pain points they face. Students will research customer’s behavior through sales trends of various companies, analyze the data, create predictive models, and provide recommendations for how to move forward.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Analyzing market data to define different segments based on customer needs.Choosing appropriate metrics to examine the data, and analyzing it using data analysis software to identify trends and correlations.Creating predictive models for various outcomes the market may face.

Admin Virgil Sammartin
Matches 0
Category Customer segmentation + 2

Market Research (competitive analysis)

Our company has been serving thousands of customers for decades. We want to better understand how our target audience perceives our brand and competitors. This will help us develop clarity on our competitive advantages and optimize our marketing strategy.We would like to collaborate with students to conduct a competitive analysis of our business.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company, products, and target market.Identifying current and potential future competitors.Creating a matrix identifying features that are similar and different between companies.Summarizing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to the competition identified.

Admin Virgil Sammartin
Matches 0
Category Competitive analysis + 2

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