York, England, United Kingdom
Company website
Number of employees
51 - 200 employees

We aim to provide the very highest standards of care and support, ensuring our performance and interventions help the pathway to achieving a positive, happy outcome, to those we have the privilege to care for. We currently provide a wide variety of specialist services nationally, including:

Children/young person’s residential care homes.
Children/young person’s residential care homes offering specialised support to young people with Learning Disabilities.
Secure patient transport service.
Independant special school (SEMH and LD)

Working collaboratively alongside other professionals, continually striving for excellence while maintaining the compliance and high standard of care recognised through the Regulatory bodies Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Data analysis Healthcare Market research Competitive analysis Social work
Education Hospital, health, wellness & medical Individual & family services


Recent projects

Financial Model for VCare24 Investor Pitch

The main goal for the project is to develop a comprehensive financial model that will be used in an early-stage investor pitch event for VCare24. This should include projected cash flows, enterprise valuation, alternative capital structure, and investor exit scenarios.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Gathering financial data and information from VCare24's operations and projections for current homes and using this to inform the financial model for the purchase of other Care Home companies.- Developing a projected cash flow statement for a new acquisition, considering various revenue streams and expenses.- Calculating the enterprise valuation using appropriate methodologies and assumptions.- Analysing and proposing alternative capital structures that align with VCare24's growth plans and investor requirements.- Creating investor exit scenarios based on different investment horizons and potential returns.

Admin Claire Horsfield
Matches 0
Category Financial modeling + 2

Employee Retention Plan for VCare24

The main goal for the project is to develop a comprehensive plan to address employee turnover and improve employee retention at VCare24. This will involve several different steps for the team, including:- Using data from interviews and surveys with current employees and leavers to understand their reasons for leaving or staying with the company. If necessary, this could include completing focus groups or surveys with some staff if the organisation has not already obtained this.- Analysing industry benchmarks and best practices for employee retention.- Developing strategies and initiatives to improve the overall employee experience and job satisfaction.- Creating a timeline and action plan for implementing the retention strategies.- Establishing key performance indicators to measure the success of the retention plan.The project will need to take into account the separate divisions within the Company firstly the secure patient transport, secondly the residential childrens services and thirdly central office support staff.

Admin Claire Horsfield
Matches 0
Category Employee retention + 1

Looked After Children Destination Project

The main goal for the project is to gather data and analyze the destination of Looked after Children (Children previously in care) to understand their outcomes and provide insights for improving the care and support services provided by VCare24. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching and collecting data on the destinations of Looked after Children after leaving care.- Analyzing the data to identify trends and patterns in the outcomes of Looked after Children.- Identifying any gaps or areas for improvement in the current care and support services provided by VCare24.- Developing recommendations for improving the care and support services based on the analysis of Looked after Children's destinations.

Admin Toni Carr
Matches 0
Category Community engagement + 3

Marketing Plan

Our company is a service based industry with two key sectors, one Residential Childrens Home and second Secure Patient Transport. We hope to implement a formal marketing strategy to attract more customers in the secure patient transport sector that is the focus of this project. We want students to help us build a marketing plan to grow and engage our target market.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarising themselves with our current marketing goals and strategies.Researching how customers perceive our brand and marketing.Recommending new channels we should use for promotion.Identifying an appropriate budget for advertising.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending updates to our messaging that can better explain our value proposition in a price sensitive market.

Admin Claire Horsfield
Matches 0
Category Market research + 1

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