Jessica De Castro & Co
Jessica De Castro & Co
Jessica De Castro & Co
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Number of employees
2 - 10 employees

Jessica De Castro & Co is a small consulting agency that helps businesses create outside-the-box organic marketing experiences. In our current era of digital marketing, we would like to be an advocate and educator in maintaining the power of what has made organic marketing work for centuries - referral generating initiatives, engaging events, memorable experiences and service cycles rooted in excellence! Supporting brands in creating strategic partnerships and finding dream collaborators is also a huge part of our agencies goals - contributing to our vision of seeing people more engaged and connected within their local business communities.

Note: New agency model launch in progress as of May 2024.

Product or service launch Sales strategy Community engagement Event planning Marketing strategy
Business & management Business services Education Events services Marketing & advertising

Recent projects

Website Development Team (5 Students, 5 Separate Positions Within)

The main goal for this project is to continue to upgrade and add new features to a brand new agency website! With the agency launch in May 2024, the goal is to implement processes and elements to actively generate new leads, create traction & increase visibility for the agency. The company has recently gone through an entire rebrand + remodel and needs to get the word out on the changes made and new services available. This project will include 5 separate student positions! **When applying, please include which position/positions you are interested in within your initial message!** Position 1: Front End Website DevelopmentPosition 2: Back End Website DevelopmentPosition 3: Copywriting for WebsiteWorking on all written areas across the website including blog outlines. Position 4: SEO SpecialistWorking on SEO optimization across all areas of web presence. Looking for someone who already understands SEO thoroughly and does not need to be taught these skills. Position 5: Lead Generation Strategy & ImplementationCreating a lead generation strategy with implementation. This can include creating questionaries, quizzes and other interactive website features to increase engagement and signs ups for discovery calls, free programs and the newsletter.

Admin Jessica De Castro
Matches 1
Category Website development + 4

Animated & Interactive Video Design

The main goal for the project is to create an animated & interactive video that walks clients through what their dream event would look like. It would be designed like a survey that would give them a response based on their answers. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Understanding the vision and mission of Jessica De Castro & Co.- Creating a storyboard for the interactive video based on client preferences and dream event scenarios.- Designing and animating the interactive video with engaging visuals and user-friendly interface.- Developing the survey component and integrating it into the video.- Testing the interactive video for functionality and user experience.- Making improvements based on feedback and the finalizing.

Admin Jessica De Castro
Matches 1
Category Artificial intelligence + 3

Virtual Assistance for Jessica De Castro & Co.

The main goal for the project is to provide virtual assistance to the agency owner, supporting in the management of their day to day schedule and organization of tasks. This will involve overseeing multiple projects and doing some project-related research.

Admin Jessica De Castro
Matches 1
Category Market research + 4

Interactive Web Surveys Project

The main goal for the project is to create 3 interactive web surveys with a variety of unique features for Jessica De Castro & Co, a small consulting agency specializing in organic marketing experiences. The surveys should be engaging and user-friendly, providing valuable insights for the agency's clients.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching and understanding the target audience for the surveys.- Designing the user interface and interactive features for the surveys.- Developing the surveys using web development tools and technologies.- Testing the functionality and user experience of the surveys.- Implementing any necessary improvements based on feedback.

Admin Jessica De Castro
Matches 1
Category Software development + 4

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