Chemicals 101 Corp.
Chemicals 101 Corp.
Chemicals 101 Corp.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Email Marketing Campaign

Chemicals 101 advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our email marketing to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, email marketing campaign goals and target market.Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails and re-engagement emails.Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations.Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.WHAT TASKS WILL STUDENTS NEED TO COMPLETE TO ACHIEVE THE PROJECT GOAL?By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:Understanding of our company’s products and goalsIdentification of suitable email types and contentUnderstanding of factors affecting emails’ effectivenessIdentification of metrics to monitor the campaign’s successBonus steps would include:Recommending strategies to personalize emailsFinal deliverables should includeA 10-minute presentation

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 0
Category Digital marketing + 1

Email Marketing Campaign for Chemicals 101 Corp.

Chemicals 101 advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our email marketing to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, email marketing campaign goals and target market.Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails and re-engagement emails.Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations.Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 4

Literature Screening Research Assistant

Chemicals 101 directly markets products to research laboratories domestically and internationally. Prospects are found by an intense literature review to find prospects in our field of research. Among these papers are systematic reviews of relevant literature, which analyze the progression of research work within the field.We would like to collaborate with students to support our literature review process by identifying relevant papers and documenting their basic information. Tasks include: Familiarizing themselves with the inclusion / exclusion criteria to determine which studies are relevant.Searching for relevant studies in databases using keywords and documenting the process.Screening the titles and abstracts of papers to determine their relevance to our project.Documenting relevant papers that can be included in our literature review, including information such as authors, their contact information and date of publication.Reading the full texts of relevant papers and summarizing their results.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 0
Category Data analysis + 4

Website Development and Improvement

Chemicals 101 advertises thousands of products online. We hope to update and revamp our existing website to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through common site building tools such as Wix, Webflow, and WordPress (preferred).This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages.Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable.Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content.Providing training on updating and maintaining the website.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 0
Category Website development + 2

Database creation from a keyword search

Chemicals 101 markets its products to Institutional Research Groups. Every year, these groups publish their work in Scientific Journals to share it with their piers.This project would review papers in our field of specialty.We would like to collaborate with students in data entry.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our database structure.Transferring data into our databases efficiently.Verifying the accuracy of the data in our databases and making relevant updates.Organizing and retrieving data as requested.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Providing assistance in creating new databases.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 0
Category Databases + 3

Data Entry to generate/expand a prospect database

Chemicals 101 directly markets products research labs. Initial contact with the customer is done by email. To populate a database there is significant time to organize the contacts information.We would like to collaborate with students in data entry to work towards maintaining a functional database.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our database structure.Transferring data into our databases efficiently.Verifying the accuracy of the data in our databases and making relevant updates.Organizing and retrieving data as requested.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Providing assistance in creating new databases.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 1
Category Databases + 3

Creation of a new Company Logo

Our company is looking to create a new logo to update the image of our brand and give us a fresh look. We hope to retain the “feel” of our brand and remain recognizable as we have established ourselves as a trusted company over the past several years. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching current marketing, design, and branding trends of our competitors and industry leaders.Developing and designing 3-4 logos for us to choose from, including standalone symbols and versions with our brand name.Developing a new framework for logo usage guidelines.Creating a social media toolkit with the chosen logo in different sizes, colors, and text variations to be used in the company’s social media and design assets.

Admin Michael Roche
Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 3