Kaleidoscope Learning Solutions
Kaleidoscope Learning Solutions
Kaleidoscope Learning Solutions
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Website Development

We need students to complete a website by adding content pages to a current site. We will provide students with the text, website shell with many completed pages on Figma. New pages for team members will be created and link to other sites. There is also the potential to turn digital assets into an app or two! :)

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 0
Category Competitive analysis + 2

Website Development

We would like a refresh for our organization's website, Kaleidoscope-ls.com/ The site needs edits, additions and modifications that reflect our mantra of thinking differently, learning flexibly and living creatively. We would also like assistance with integrating our website with social media advertising. We would like to work with students to enhance our website and social media presence. Students should be prepared to:Create a design proposal including wireframes or low-fidelity mockups for our company's review.Build a fully-functioning website, with our assistance in providing content and copy.Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.Assisting with a social media presence that highlights material on the website.

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 1
Category Website development + 3

Ready to Play?

Our international start-up company wants to create a serious game for all age levels. The game needs to teach a specific educational framework called 3D-Briefing along side creative problem solving practices. Since gaming is not our area, but education and play is, we need help translating our "out of the box" pedagogy into a game format.

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 0
Category Software development + 2

Funding Research and Grant Writing

We are looking for assistance in finding and possibly completing grant applications that support our mission and the specific development of a serious game for educational purposes. We are an international collaboration.We believe this project will include:Develop a needs statement that characterizes and justifies the educational for our project and funding.Identify potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project.Interpret a request for proposal (RFP).Research, plan, write, edit, and revise a persuasive proposal narrative.Improve the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing.Research into other grant opportunities to support our cause

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 0
Category Grant writing + 4

Market Research

We want to better understand our global target market and international audience for a serious game based on the creative problem solving model and the United Nations sustainability development goals. We would like to uniquely position ourselves within our industry.The research will include:Target market researchIndustry size and market potentialCompetitive landscapeStrategic positioning of our brandWe would like the game that we are developing to be accessible in both a physical and digital form.

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 3
Category Project management + 1

Kaleidoscope Learning Solutions Website Update and Enhancement Project

The main goal of this project is to update and enhance the content on the Kaleidoscope Learning Solutions website. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching the current website content and identifying areas for improvement.- Developing new content for the website, including text, images, and videos.- Optimizing the website for better user experience, including page loading speed and mobile responsiveness.- Testing the website to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date.

Admin Christine Boyko- Head
Matches 0
Category Website development + 3