VX3 EXCHANGE (Canadian Centre for Civic Media and Arts Development Inc.) home to VIBE105.5FM
VX3 EXCHANGE (Canadian Centre for Civic Media and Arts Development Inc.) home to VIBE105.5FM
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Year established
Number of employees
0 - 1 employees

VX3 Exchange (CCCMAD Inc.) is a registered charity and social enterprise. We develop connective media and creative arts solutions to the benefit of business and community. By way of a collaborative exchange with influential content creators, we effectively engage communities through the power of media. We are also the proud operator of VIBE105 – Toronto’sDiverse Music Mix and an identifiable leader in ethnic broadcast (on the FM dial). Please visit us more information at: www.vx3exchange.com or www.vibe105to.com

Market research Marketing strategy Media Visual arts
Arts Entertainment Marketing & advertising Media & production


Recent projects

Improve CRM (ZOHO) Intelligence with Enhanced AI and ML Techniques

ABOUT PROJECTWe're looking to have student-consultants evaluate existing applications to recommend improvements or designing and prototyping a new application. We're excited to work with a talented section of ML Student-Consultants over the course of this project to bolster our young agency's digital service offerings and engagement strategies with our business clients and content/event audiences. Specifically, we would like to work to:1. Integrate and Enhance Best(Better) Practices for our current client-scoring rubric using ML techniques (such as clustering and content journey)additionally,2. Contribute to insight optimization of our audience segments and platform experiences by way of better capturing smarter data (Refining Tracking Stack]; toward possible 'recommender systems' that promote relevant campaigns, events and timely content.

Admin Randy Reid
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 3


VX3 EXCHANGE is at an exciting stage of growth and innovation. We're embracing change and reshaping the internal/external branding of the agency as we navigate the rapidly evolving impacts of Digital Transformation on our industry(ies) [specifically Broadcast Media, Social Media, Participatory Media]. We are looking to work with a keen team of Schulich's finest MBA's to refine the internal systems of our recently established ETHNICITY CENTERED MARKETING SERVICES and contribute to enhancing the overall OPERATIONAL FUNCTIONALITY of our agency. Even though VX3 is nationally recognized as a leader in community radio and volunteer management, we are anxious to work seamlessly with a team of Schulich MBA's to assist this agency with the goal of reaching new sustainable heights. Our vision is to become one of the leading 'niche/experiential marketing solutions' for educational institutions and consumer services industries interested in outreach marketing to ethnic (and isolated) demographics across the GTA (and Canada). Specifically, we would want to achieve:identifying improved PRICING STRATEGIES for our products and servicesoutlining VIABLE PRODUCT/SERVICE opportunities for NATIONAL SCALE (leveraging a pre-existing national network of +55 member organizations)developing OPERATIONAL MARKETING STRUCTURES to enhance in-house operational efficienciesimproving DATA-MINING SOLUTIONS for consumer engagement and client reportingachieving enhanced QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE metrics to our Product/Service Channels adapting our agency's STAFF PROFILE to attract and HIRE SKILLED AGENTS*Detailed Business Model Canvas attached under RESOURCESThe models developed through this project will be packaged and executed at scale across a national network (inclusive of over 55 like-minded member stations from coast-to-coast). We look forward to garnering valuable feedback from the Schulich team to better evaluate our existing systems and contribute to the creation of a comprehensive and functional plan for delivering 'experiential engagement strategies' for our clients and potential scale across the Country. We are open and willing to absorb the insight (and earned expertise) of the Schulich MBA team to guide our operations. We have prepared our staff leadership and organization to provide access to the required finances, data and resources that would prove valuable to ensuring the student teams' ultimate success. The successful Schulich Team will be a part of a consultation project that accomplishes more than a case study. We are anticipating that the insight and guidance through this project will allow us to establish a highly competitive marketing solutions agency and more importantly shift the external perception of our agency to be revealed as MORE THAN A RADIO STATION. We represent an important social framework that arms and encourages socially marginalized demographics to deliver verifiable engagement to mass audiences.Specifically, the outcomes of this project will benefit potential business clients with effective tools and systems that:connect top-line brands with enthusiastic and HIGHLY ENGAGED ETHNIC AUDIENCES offer effective OUT-OF-HOME marketing solutions and collaborative targeted community experiences that ENHANCE BRAND AWARENESS/EXPERIENTIAL ENGAGEMENTprovide sophisticated IN-PERSON and ONLINE DATA ANALYTICS for desired marketsOur staff and CEO (Randy Reid) will be available for reference and support throughout the whole process. Randy is also the Vice-President of the NCRA which manages a national membership of over +110 community and campus radio stations across the country (most primed and ready to participate in the findings of this project).Interested students, please note: To work with this site, the team should have expertise in Art, Media & Entertainment Management or Social Sector Management. A combination of both would be ideal. Expertise in marketing will also be valuable. The team that selects VX3 Exchange as their client site is advised to reach out to Prof. Geoff Kistruck, Director, Social Sector Management Program, to get input on how to approach this project. One Faculty Advisor should be selected from among the faculty of the ARTM or SOCM programs. (Paragraph added by Director, Strategy Field Study).

Admin Randy Reid
Matches 1
Category Market research + 3

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