Vital Staffing LLC
Vital Staffing LLC
Vital Staffing LLC
Piscataway, New Jersey, United States
Number of employees
0 - 1 employees

Our mission at Vital Staffing, is to bridge the gap between opportunities in the tech industry and underserved communities. We are committed to empowering diversity and inclusion by ensuring equal access to career opportunities for all individuals, regardless of background. By focusing on empowering the workforce for people of color, we aim to create a more equitable and inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Through our efforts, we strive to make a positive impact on individuals, businesses, and communities alike.

Human resources & recruitment

Recent projects

Staffing and Recruitment Optimization

As a startup, Vital Staffing is more than just a staffing agency – we are champions of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. With a mission to connect opportunities in tech to underserved communities, we are dedicated to empowering individuals of all backgrounds to thrive in their careers. Our company size is 1-10 employees. However, we have had some challenges recruiting top-quality talent for our current client contract due to manpower and I'm looking for ways to optimize my processes: automate any redundant tasks and have an SOP in place for hiring.This project will involve several different steps for the students, including:Documenting the current state of our staff and volunteer recruitment process, from when the resource need is identified to when the position is filled.Creating visualizations such as data flow diagrams to identify strengths and pain points in our recruitment process.Assessing our current process and making recommendations for improvements and efficiencies such as better use of automation with Zapier, our CRM and outreachDocumenting and mapping a target state process.Suggesting feedback mechanisms to gather input from staff, volunteers, and applicants.

Admin Desiree Coleman
Matches 2
Category Talent recruitment

New Product Marketing

Our company goal is to leverage our staffing services and company mission to SAAS startups to provide the technical staff they need at a monthly price they can afford. Together with our marketing team, we would like students to design new promotional material for this new product and conduct market research to create a case study of a price point. Based on our insights and additional research, students will develop promotional marketing materials for our existing media and make recommendations on alternative media to consider.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our target market, products, and services.Assessing our existing marketing strategy and efforts.Recommending marketing tactics to promote our services such as exclusive previews and introductory offers.Designing promotional material for various media.Making multiple versions of marketing materials and testing them for comparison.

Admin Desiree Coleman
Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 2

Latest feedback

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