Description is a marketplace for landlords, renters, and agencies tasked with providing low-income families and individuals with affordable housing.

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Government It & computing Real estate

Recent projects is a marketplace for landlords, renters, and agencies tasked with providing low-income families and individuals with affordable housing. Any agency can list their approved vouchers or program slots. Any landlord or property manager can list rental units anywhere in the USA. matches the renters with the units. Once the match between the renter and the landlord is made the landlord is able to generate the RFTA (request for tenancy approval) and HAP (housing assistance payment) contract online and sign them electronically. Clients are also able to sign the RFTA electronically either using a web app or on their mobile phone. The affordability and comparability checks when applicable are done in real-time. Once the RFTA package is approved initial inspections are scheduled automatically. The inspections software provides options for the inspections to be done over video. Most of the customer support related to RFTA, HAP, and Inspections is done over the web or mobile app relieving landlord services and Case Management teams of routine tasks. There are 27,000 landlords with at least one HAP unit rented on the platform. By streamlining the RFTA and Inspections process for the landlords the team is attempting to significantly change landlord outcomes for our renters in the short run and increase the pool of landlords who participate in assisted rental programs in the long term. With these goals in mind agencies on the platform run landlord events educating existing and new landlords on assisted rental programs.

Admin Milan Jerkovic
Matches 0
Category Social sciences + 2

Content writing for a product that helps low income families find Housing

Please take a look at our website We operate in 11 US cities. We are looking for a team that can write really sharp content that encourages landlords to rent to low-income families. Landlords need to understand how our product works and makes it easy for them to rent to the government. Secondly they also need to understand some terms, incentives available. So this is not about writing a lot but about writing little after doing a lot of research. The copy should move landlords who otherwise might have a cultural bias ( they are going to trash my unit) against renting to the low-income renters who get governmental assistance. It should emphasize that working with the government is not as painful as the stereotypes make you believe. Second stage: The team will work with our sales team to actually interview clients who change their life outcomes by using our software and the landlords who rented on our platform and write real user stories.

Admin Milan Jerkovic
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4
Closed - Explore new opportunities is a marketplace for landlords, renters, and agencies tasked with providing low-income families and individuals with affordable housing. Any agency can list their approved vouchers or program slots. Any landlord or property manager can list rental units anywhere in the USA. matches the renters with the units. Once the match between the renter and the landlord is made the landlord is able to generate the RFTA (request for tenancy approval) and HAP (housing assistance payment) contract online and sign them electronically. Tenants are also able to sign the RFTA electronically either using a web app or on their mobile phone. There are 27,000 landlords with at least one HAP unit rented on the platform. By streamlining the RFTA and Inspections process for the landlords the team is attempting to significantly change landlord outcomes for our renters in the short run and increase the pool of landlords who participate in assisted rental programs in the long term. With these goals in mind agencies on the platform run landlord events educating existing and new landlords on assisted rental programs. We want to try a concept that we call product-based growth. That means that we want to use the product to give tools to existing landlords to help them expand their business to other public housing authorities and by that also grow our business. The students may help in defining what is the right approach to the landlords and to help us figure out which types of landlords to target first.

Admin Milan Jerkovic
Matches 2
Category Social sciences + 2

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